Sunday School Network

Holiday Bible Games 

Throughout the Year, from New Years to Christmas!

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Don't miss our Bible game and activity books for children's ministry
  Bible Cards Genesis to Revelation  Bible Games Explosion Amazing Parable Race Bible Game

New Year's Resolution Game


Valentine's Day Games

Hidden Hugs

A great game for Valentine's Day or Friendship Sunday.

Love Toss

(1 John 3:16-18) Players focus on love actions, not just love talk.



Shamrock Shuffle 
A fun St. Patrick's Day game which emphasizes the Trinity.


Easter / Lent Games

Easter Egg Game

Played like Hot Potato, but you don't mind getting 'out' because that's how you get a prize! 

Empty Easter Egg Hunt
Players hunt for eggs only to discover they're empty and a lesson to be learned!

Empty Tomb

Players compete on teams to be the first to empty their tomb  

Empty Tomb Word Search
Find keywords in this puzzle from Matthew 28:1-8.

No Egg Easter Egg Hunt
A twist on a classic game.

Resurrection Egg Pass
Teams compete by passing their special eggs on spoons, then open them to tell the Easter story.

Scrambled Eggs

Players or teams race to unscramble eggs to spell out an ancient Easter greeting.  

Who's Got the Stone?
What was rolled away from the tomb where Jesus was laid?


July 4th Patriotic Games

U.S.A. Patriotic Catcher Toy 
Kids cut and fold the pattern to create a classic "cootie catcher," whereby children learn the answers to eight basic USA citizenship questions. (Small download fee.)


Fall Games

Fall of Life - A Faithful Race

Players learn about the Apostle Paul's end-of-life declaration of having run his life-race well, from 2 Timothy 4:7. 

Harvest Party Games

More Harvest Party Games
Lynne, from Scotland, has sent in a complete Harvest Party event for kids to enjoy and learn about the importance of thanking God. 

Players compete to complete the THANKFUL List. Two ways to play: indoors or outdoors! 

Thank You God For . . .
A variety of games, crafts and activities to prepare your class for Thanksgiving.


Christmas / Advent Games

Christmas Right and Left
Players pass a small gift RIGHT then LEFT, as they hear those words in this unique story of Christmas.

Christmas Word Find - Shepherd Narrative
Find and circle the words from the shepherd narrative found in Luke 2:1-20.

Christmas Word Scramble
Players match scrambled letters to the correct word, and then tell the Christmas story using those words.

Nine-Great Christmas Games

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