Armor of God Playing Cube
Beatitudes Catcher
Beatitudes Pictograms
Children's Worship Bulletin Pictograms
Creation to Cross Totem Pole
F.R.O.G. Flip Card
F.R.O.G. Light Switch Cover
Fruit of the Spirit
Goin' Buggie for Jesus
Good Shepherd - Psalm 23 Lessons with Crafts
Gospel Pictograms - John 3:16
Gospel Tract One Way Roman Road
Heart Box
Holy Spirit Fire Dove Mosaic
Jesus Loves All Children Frame
Kaleidoscope Fun!
New Life Puppets "Butterfly & Frog"
Prayer Wheel
Repent & Believe Spinning Top
Serve One Another 3-D Hand Art Craft
Shine Jesus' Light Lantern (on our Etsy platform)
Spanish Look & Learn Ten Commandments
Sword of the Spirit Bookmark
Ten Commandments Finger Cards
Ten Commandments Video Presentation
Trinity Twister
Our Daily Bread - Easy "Stained Glass" Art Craft
Check out our Holidays & Holy Days
The Armor of God Playing Cube was a lot of fun. We rolled the cubes at the same time to see if we would get all six in one turn. We had a small class of 7 so to get all 6 in a roll was a challenge but we did it! Twice! Thanks so much for a fun crafty game! ~ Peggy
"I purchased the Beatitudes Catcher and the kids loved it. One of our leaders in our kids club is also a teacher and said the kids brought them to school and were playing with them with their teachers and friends. This is a secular school and she said it was amazing to see. So thank you." ~ Debbie B.
"The Ten Commandments Flash Cards were absolutely amazing! I probably could have named four of the commandments prior to preparing for this lesson for our kindergarteners, and now both my daughter and I can go through all ten!"
~Jamie in Pennsylvania
"I want you to know how much fun I had with the 10 commandment signs on my trip to Central America. The first week my sister and I gave instructions on basic ideas for Children's ministry in 4 churches and also spoke in a Christian school. The kids in the high school really took to the commandment help, as did the ministry leaders we spoke to in some of the churches. Also a Jr. church in one of the churches learned very quickly through this method.
My favorite was at the end of week 2 when we introduced it to the ex-gang guys that have formed a group called,
Los Discipulos. They are break-dancers and use that venue to get kids to open up to them - then give their testimonies and lead people to Christ. They go places others dare not venture and the guys are very effective. They also have been returning to areas and leading small Bible Studies and minister to younger kids as well...I taught them the 10 commandments. They LOVED IT! The more I reviewed, the better they got and the more they wanted to review it again! Even a boy on our team, 19 years old and a student at Purdue University here in Indiana, joined in with the guys and learned the 10 commandments. The next day, I didn't go with them, but they all worked together painting at an orphanage. The Purdue boy said the gang and he kept challenging each other all day through the 10 commandments review - just calling out a number to see who could remember it first. That was such a blessing to hear. The guys from the gang said this would not only help them teach the kids the commandments, but also help them show the older teens how they can see clearly that they are sinners in need of a Savior."
~ Emmalea in Indiana