Sunday School Network

Sunday School Network LogoThe Sunday School Teacher's Newsletter

The #1 global resource for Christian educators

"Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works" Hebrews 10:24 (NLT).

The Sunday School Teacher's Newsletter (SSTN) is an online community of Christian educators who share their questions and ideas with one another. In January 2000, became the launching place for Christian educators to share their experiences across the world. Together, we make a difference in the lives of children! If you want to be a part of the Sunday School Teacher's Network, and share your ideas and questions, then sign up today! It's free to join* and will prove to be an invaluable resource for teaching your students. Anyone with the desire to present God's Word to children, and who is willing to share their ideas, is warmly welcomed! 

How does SSTN work? 

Once you've signed up, (see below), you'll receive a welcome letter with instructions on how to post your questions, as well as how to respond to other teacher's questions. Your participation in the network makes SSTN a success! 

*After six-months of receiving our newsletter, we ask that you prayerfully consider becoming a Support Partner. Become a Ministry Support Partner now!

Subscribe to our Newsletter: (Make sure to check your inbox or spam folder for our confirmation email and then add us to your address book to insure delivery. If you are re-subscribing, put in your new email address and first name. Your old email address must be unsubscribed using the link at the bottom of your current newsletter.)

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Just joining? Read past articles from The Sunday School Teacher's Newsletter. 
Go to the Teacher ARCHIVES. It's a GOLD MINE of ideas!

What are other people saying about SSTN & this site? 

* This site has helped me make a quarterly program for our kids. Thank God for your ministry.
~ AB

* Thank you for the wonderful service you do with SSTN. I get many new seed ideas from group members which in turn helps me to reach children in a way that engages them. Your ministry is wonderful. You are in my prayers this evening. 
~ Drew

* Thank you for this wonderful newsletter. It has been such a blessing for a new Sunday school teacher like myself!!! 
~ Diane (New Jersey)

* Thank you for your wonderful ideas! You are an inspiration to all of us Sunday School teachers who don't know what to do Sunday morning! Thank You! God sent me to your site to help me put new ideas to work. God Bless you in your ministry! 
~ Cheryl B

* Our church is very small and hasn't had a Sunday school class for ten years. I recently started teaching the three children that we do have; and I was so excited to find your site on the net. It has been a rich resource for me. Thanks.
~ Bridget (Iowa)

* I just wanted to let you know what a blessing this website has been to me. I am teaching children's church on Sunday nights and had ran out of ideas to use. I prayed that God would give me some sources. Well, He did, alright! This website! I was up until almost 2:00 one night searching it out. What a wonderful site! I love it! It has such great ideas. Thank you so much! 
~ Another sister in Christ, Mable Dotson.

* MANY, MANY THANKS!!! This newsletter is the best thing ever!!! I have been blessed so many times by the ideas from everyone and I have continued the blessings by telling everyone about the website and sharing the ideas. 
~ Sue M. Crewe (Virginia)

* Thanks for all the great ideas and the support. You have been a rock for me this fall and winter. 
~ Yours in Christ, Judy (Idaho)

* When God connected me to - my life began to fill with blessings that have touched me deeply and healed some hurts. For years I have had ideas for children's ministries, yet there was no ministry that entertained my involvement. I offered help over and over to start a program for Wednesday nights during the summer months at our church. Even when the program was accepted, I felt it was just to appease my zeal and hush my enthusiasm. It seemed like perhaps the Pastor may have felt I wasn't qualified or perhaps I was trying to take over. (In all fairness, he never said that - only Satan did). However, my husband did remark that I should stop telling the church my ideas and that people would think that I was just trying to take over - [God has healed my hurt from his negative comments].

When you posted the program here, I felt it was a confirmation to my heart that the Lord was certainly the One that sent these ideas to me and that someone understood that I was not seeking self-gratification.

Since your posting of ideas that I send to you, my husband has softened. He now helps me in JR Church, and I have even heard him tell someone about the ladies in South Africa, Texas and Oklahoma contacting me in response to the program you posted!

SO you see, this site and SSTN touches more than just SS and Jr. Church involvement - it helps in family relationships as well! 
~ Joyfully Serving HIM, A Midwest Mom.

* I am writing to let you know how much your ministry means to me. I was having a difficult time trying to come up with ideas so I know God led me to your site and it's changed my life. Since being able to get ideas from so many wonderful people I am more confident in my ministry. Thank you so much and know that I will be praying for you and your ministry.
~ Cathy Meyer (Ohio) 

* I have deleted a lot of my mail unread but I have saved every one of yours. I really enjoy them and am keeping ideas for next year. Thanx for doing such a great job! 
~ Rebecca M.

* I found your site a few weeks ago and have been getting your newsletter since. What a blessing! My husband and I taught 2nd grade for a few years, then switched to 7th grade. Ouch, mistake! As we went running back to the lower grades, I said the only thing I dreaded about teaching little ones again was the weekly craft. But you've made our job SO much easier. So far, the kids have loved everything--particularly the heart wreath a few weeks ago. 
~ Sandi-Denton (Maryland)

* I just wanted to say what a blessing this site has been to me. I told our grade school music teacher about the ideas of Santa bowing before the manger or cross (this was in one or two SSTN issues), and we put it in our school skit for the public! We live in a small town. The response has been great! Thanks! 
~ Stephanie F. (Oklahoma)

* Your letters are always such a blessing! You're not going to believe this, but being a single Mom of four, things get kind of "tight," if you know what I mean. The kids wanted to participate in a Christmas play, and I was assured they would be able to borrow the costumes from other kids in Church. Well, when the time came, no one could find the costumes and here I was stuck trying to figure out a way to dress up my four kids! When I checked my emails today: COSTUMES! Praise the Lord. HE knows what we need even before we ask! Many thanks and God Bless You and all the ones who ALWAYS contribute to this blessed ministry. 
~ In Christ, Lori (Kissimmee, Fla.)

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Copyright 1997 S. A. Keith | ChristianCrafters.Com | |

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