Scripture Verse Bracelets

Memorization Tool for Children | by Joyce Kaack

 Bible memorization bracelets
Joyce wrote in to say, "The Memory Verse Bracelet is a bracelet that we add a Scripture verse to each week, and then ask the kids to memorize them and eventually recite from memory. At the end of the year they will have verses handy that they can refer to and hopefully, remember." 

What you do
Copy memorization verses onto a sheet of paper, laminate them, cut them down to a rectangular shape (maybe 1 x 2 inches), hole punch them, then add to metal bracelets with the twist off ends, or use rawhide strips. Each week add a new memory verse to the bracelets.

Copyright 2001 - Joyce Kaack

Editor's Note: You could also use the Color's of Christ Scripture verses on the bracelets.

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