Sunday School Network

God's Plan For Man

Bible Lesson and Craft | by Maurice Sweetsur

The following craft and lesson could be used for teaching about Creation, the fall, and God's plan of redemption. 

Get each child to cut out a circular piece of light colored cardboard, about the size of a small dinner plate. Tell the children that they are to imagine that they are the Creator, and that they have to create their own world by drawing on their cardboard whatever they want to have in their world - eg. flowers, birds, animals, people etc. Allow about 10 minutes for this activity, then have all the children sit down, holding their creations. 

Tell the children to close their eyes, and to imagine their creations coming alive. Stress that each creation is wonderful, with birds singing, animals running and playing together, people laughing, playing and enjoying each other, etc. Next, tell the children they are to imagine that something has gone horribly wrong with their perfect creations. "Oh no! The people have started arguing and hitting each other, weeds have started growing in their beautiful gardens, the animals have started hunting, killing and eating each other. Now, even the people are killing each other." 

Explain that because of our deliberate rejection of our Creator, this is exactly what happened with His perfect creation, our world. The question is what could God do about it? State that the children each have to decide what to do with their now spoiled creations. Give them four choices (it is a good idea to have these displayed in some way): 

1. Destroy their world. 
2. Send someone to teach the people of their world how to be good. 
3. Go yourself to show the people how to love each other. 
4. Give them the power to change and become good. 

Have the children to indicate which of the four options they would choose (In my experience the majority usually choose the first option!). Explain that God still loved His creation despite what had happened, and therefore He rejected option 1, and did not destroy the world. You may wish to elaborate on the other options, but here is an outline plan. 

What God did choose were options 2, 3, and 4. He sent people (#2, they were called Prophets) to teach us to be good, but usually we wouldn't listen to them. Then God came Himself (#3), in the form of a man - we knew him as Jesus. He showed us how much God loves us and how we should love each other, but people still killed him. Now we come to option #4. The wonderful news is that Jesus rose from the dead, and that because of his death and resurrection we can be forgiven of our wrongdoing and receive God's power to change us and make us good, so we can do good to others in our world.

Copyright 2004 Maurice Sweetsur

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