Keith, founder of SundaySchoolNetwork.com, has been teaching the teacher
for over fifteen years. She has worked in children's ministry for over 25
years, developing, writing and distributing Christian curricula across
the world. Sarah is married to Bob, and together they've raised three beautiful children.

- Are you teaching for maximum impact?
- Are your volunteers devoted and inspired?
- Are you addressing your students'
All of us learn in different ways—
visual, auditory or verbal, kinesthetic (touching, feeling, moving),
solitary or social.
By using the A.P.E. technique you'll provide children with a method of learning
biblical truths according to
their bent and in keeping with the admonition of Proverbs 22:6, "Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he
will not depart from it."
Make every classroom minute count! Proven methods
that positively affect children's lives!
We come to you!
Workshops are available for churches in southeast Florida and last approximately
2 hours. Seminars provide a lively interactive experience for
participants, including games, role playing, and group involvement.
You'll learn how to:
- Infuse lesson time with creative teaching
- Motivate children to listen, learn, and enjoy
class time
- Teach according to your students'
God-given bent
- Enhance your existing programs
- Create effective and engaging lessons
- Use exciting memorization techniques
What others are saying:
"As an educator, I enjoyed Sarah Keith's presentation on "Goin' A.P.E. - Sparking Your Creativity."...
I really enjoyed the techniques she uses to teach children bible verses along with the activities that help connect bible stories to real world situations. Sarah is great at what she does, as she brings innovative ways to teaching Sunday School in the 21st century."
Deanne Ewers
Maranatha Assembly International
"Very practical--I was able to put into practice on Sunday,
what I'd learned the day before!"
"Besides everything else I learned, the memorization techniques
made the workshop invaluable! If I could memorize that quickly, my
students will too!"
"I wish my wife had attended. She could use
this information for teaching our own children."
"I'm looking forward to using these ideas. I know these
techniques will grab my kids' attention!"
Cost--Group Fee, not per person:
Palm Beach County churches - $125
Port Saint Lucie, Martin, Broward, & Dade County churches - $145
To schedule Mrs. Keith to lead a creative teaching workshop at your church,
contact her at: Sarah@SundaySchoolNetwork.com.
(Please indicate the best time to call and leave your phone number
Click here to print out the teacher workshop outline for your attendees.
Goin' A.P.E. - Sparking Your Creativity--seminar and its
affiliated content--is the
copyright of S.A.Keith - SundaySchoolNetwork.com.