Listening to God's Call 

Bible Craft and Lesson

Lesson Focus: Being called by God

THE LESSON: I used the examples of Moses and the Burning Bush (Moses' response when he heard his name was "Here I am, Lord." This ties in nicely to Samuel. Samuel went to Eli three times saying "Here I am," the same response that Moses had. When Eli finally told Samuel it was God calling him, Samuel's response to God was "I am listening." Both Moses and Samuel loved God and were just living ordinary lives (tending camels in the desert, sweeping floors in the temple) when God called to them. Then I explained that God doesn't have to use a burning bush and that we don't have to go live with a prophet for us to hear God's call. We can hear him call in three ways. 

1. Read and study the Bible. In the Bible God calls us to do many things and tells us all about how he wants us to live and behave. 

2. Other people may recognize our natural talents and point them out to us. For example, someone who is really good at sports can be a great role model and coach and witness through youth sport events. 

3. God can talk to us with his "still, small voice" in our hearts. We just have to turn off the TV and music and spend a some quiet time with him.

THE CRAFT: You need a bunch of old CDs and assorted bright colors of copy paper. Use one color of paper to cut out a circle just slightly larger than the CD, and paste the CD onto the paper, leaving the pretty shiny side visible. (Use deckle scissors to give each of the circles a ragged edge. Using bright, contrasting colors makes them fun.) Using a different color of paper, either use your computer, or draw freehand another circle about 3-1/2 inches in diameter that says "I am listening." Paste this circle into the middle of the larger circle. Then make another circle about 2 inches in diameter which says, "Here I am, Lord." Paste this circle into the center of the pretty side of the CD. You now have a reflecting mirror that reminds you to be listening for God. 

Copyright 2002 Sally Nixon

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