As many of you know, ten years ago my husband, Bob, sustained a traumatic brain injury.
He has come a long way from his initial injury, but he still has major deficits in communication and reasoning. Recently, I
discovered a miraculous
medical treatment, which has helped hundreds, if not thousands, of stroke and brain injured people.
After months of preparation and the hope of healing, the treatment didn't work. It was deeply disappointing.
The following Sunday, my pastor spoke about not wasting whatever season of life that you're in, because God has allowed it for a special purpose. His message
was timely. I was reminded of other situations when I had been discouraged and caught up in the emotions of whatever was troubling me.
Thinking back, I wondered,
what if I had rested in those moments, and not wasted them in frustration or
despair, how might that season have been more useful to God’s kingdom and
to me?
The pastor’s message to not waste the seasons of life, reminded me of
how temporary this life is and how quickly things can change. I was encouraged to
on, and keep trusting that God will work even our tragedy for good.
Are you in a season of suffering? Does knowing that seasons are temporary and that God will use even your suffering for your good and his glory, help you to keep going?
created a short video to cheer you on in whatever season of life you are in! I’d love to hear from
you too.
Please watch the video and then like, share, and comment on it!
Watch now.
God bless you!
Sarah Keith
Copyright 2023 S. A. Keith
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