Sunday School Network

Bethlehem Drive-Through

Community Witness Christmas Drama

Our Bethlehem Drive-Through event is the perfect Christmas drama for your youth ministry! It is a fun and effective way to witness to your community during the Advent season. Stations are set up to tell important parts of the Christmas story as visitors drive through "Bethlehem," passing each station. The dialogue for the actors is intentionally short so as to keep the cars moving along to the manger scene for the final destination. 

Once people have driven by the stations, you might invite them to park their cars and come inside your church to watch the movie "Jesus,"  serve cider and cookies during a Christmas carol sing-along, or make a Christmas craft such as our Chrismon Butterfly Snowflake.

The book includes planning, actor parts, set up ideas, and patterns to create background silhouette scenes. If you use this function as a fundraiser, you could collect donations at the exit. 

Available exclusively on our Etsy platform-Buy Now!
If you perform this Christmas drama, please email pictures and reviews of your successful ministry!

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