Sunday School Network

God's Top Ten

Understanding God's Love in the Ten Commandments*  
2nd Edition includes even more ideas and enrichment activities! For K-5th grade.
Available in paperback or digital PDF format. 

A wise heart accepts commands.
Proverbs 10:8

The Ten Commandments contain many "Do Nots." They teach us God's holy standard and show us how far we fall short of his perfection. Because we cannot perfectly follow God's laws the commandments help us to realize our need of a Savior. But they are more than this; in these "Do Nots," one can find a positive message: a message of God's love. Download a free lesson!

The Ten Commandments lessons include 10-20 sessions---you decide! If you use both the craft and game during one session, it will take ten sessions to complete this series. However, if you split each lesson into two sessions (recommended), whereby you present the lesson with craft in the first session and the game with lesson review in the next, it will take twenty sessions to complete this series. Book includes 15 Christian Crafts (11 crafts and 4 yummy devotions); 12 Bible Games; the Look n' Learn flash cards patterns; a black and white logo design for T-Shirts and advertising flyers; patterns to make Attendance Award Cards; and Themed Name Tags. You will also receive directions and a pattern for children to make a clay, Ten Commandments Tablet keepsake!

*The order of the commandments is according to the traditional Hebrew Bible.

(Read reviews, below.)

Explore our coordinating Ten Commandments resources: bookmarks, posters, and a video!

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 FREE Ten Commandment's Tablet prop, click here to download it!

Are you curious as to why there's only one tablet with ten commands written on it, as opposed to two tablets with #1-5 on one tablet and #6-10 on the other? When God gave Moses the Ten Commandments, he gave him two tablets. However, most likely they were duplicate copies with all ten commandments written on each one*. The tablets were a covenant agreement, a promise, between God and Israel. As such this covenant is like a contract between two parties or two people, whereby both parties receive a copy of their agreement! 


*New Bible Dictionary -- pp. 1251, 1252; The Two Tables of the Covenant (M.G. Kline). 


God's Top Ten Reviews

You have fantastic resources. My favorite is your lessons on the 10 Commandments. Although I taught it sometime ago, the kids still use the hand signals. Keep up the good work.

~ Frances Kemp

We used God's Top Ten in our summer VBS program. Much prayer and planning went into getting all 10 commandments taught in four days. I had a co-director and we each took different commandments to present to the children.

We taught # 1 and 2 the first night, # 3 and 4 the second night, # 5, 6, 7 the third night and #8, 9, 10 the last night. As you might suspect, much gleaning had to be done. As I was preparing my lesson for commandment # 9, I read the game "Stand Trial." Instead of a game we made it be an actual trial, closing with communion. This was our closing lesson for the week.

We were able to present the lesson for Do Not Steal, Do Not Lie and Do Not Covet (Crave What Others Have), into one big lesson. For Do Not Steal, my co-director asked two ten-year old boys to be actors. She explained to them ahead of time what was to happen. She placed a bowl of candy in plain view of all the children, and instructed the two boys to each steal a piece of candy and then stuff it in their mouths quickly, sort of sneaky like. When asked if they stole the candy ( they were to lie, saying they did not). To show they had broken the 8th and 9th commandment, as a result of breaking the 10th commandment, Do Not Covet. The sweet part about this was the two little boys didn't want to do it, until their teacher said they would be actors for the night and it was not for real.

We used the suggested song, "God Rules." We did not introduce any other music. We concentrated on this song and the "Look and Learn" video. They sang the song in church Sunday for the congregation.

The last night one little eight-year old came up to me and said, "This was the best Vacation Bible School ever!" That made it all worthwhile. Praise God! Keep up the good work.

~ Blessings,
Marjorie Wilson

"I recently purchased God's Top Ten, and wanted to let you know how much I love it. The format is perfect for what I need to run our weekly children's church. I simply needed a lesson, a craft, and a game which would be suitable for multiple-aged children. I had tried for years to find a program without all the complexities of a quarterly curriculum...Your book truly was an answer to prayer...Many thanks for making my life easier. What a joy each week to hear our students eagerly recite the commandments." 

~ Debbie McCarson

"I ordered God's Top Ten for VBS and I just want to thank you for the material. It is truly from the Lord. Very easy to teach and easy for the children to understand. Praise the Lord for your ability to listen to the Lord and share with others. It would also be very good for youth and adults. The games the children really liked, they didn't want to quit. The refreshments very very good also. The teachers and myself are truly thankful. We are a Spanish mission and the name is El Mensajero De Vida. In English, Messenger of Life." 

I hope to be ordering again. May God bless you in your mission to others. 

~ Nancy - Franklin, NC

I am a pastor's wife, and I purchased your Top 10 book a few years ago, and used it with our church kids. They LOVED it. I also showed it to my 4-year-old granddaughter who came to visit, and she could recite the Commandments back to me after going through it ONCE with her. ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. Of course, I think she's brilliant. When we went out to eat a few days later, she went around from table to table and said, "Hi, My name is Abby, and I know the 10 Commandments. Would you like me to say them for you?" Needless to say, she was a big hit. And on #7, she said, "Do not dance with your boyfriend or girlfriend if you have a husband or a wife!!!!"

Again, Thanks for an excellent product! 

~ Beth M.- Kentucky

I have been wanting to teach the 10 commandments for a long time as the children no longer learn these basics at school and many come from Godless communities and families. Some of our children have no parents and are being raised by siblings or in some cases are the head of the home. This material is perfect for the group we have!

~ Tricia

His Name Shall Be Called. . . is an excellent follow up lesson series to God's Top Ten.