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#3 for the "Most Popular Site in Christian Education" (Source: Alexa.com - May
Issue #67 -
October 22, 2007
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where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." --

1) Praise & Worship?
2) Activities for Teens
3) Safe & Sweet Night
4) Bible Walk
5) Skits Ages 9-14?
Kids Can @
Christmas Time
31 Crafts, Recipes &
Scriptures for Advent
6) Christmas Play?
7) Hundreds of
Skits, Games, Crafts & Lessons
8) Fall of Jericho lessons
9) Christmas play?
10) No Matter What We Think...
11) The Bible in 50 Words
12) i-God Logo Design
Jesus O' Lantern
Find it in the games section.
Flip-Card Tract
The Bible is divided into how many sections?
(The answer is
in this newsletter)

Fun Activities
Make N' Take Downloads
& Holy Days
Club Membership Discount
the SSTN Ministry!
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Over 1400 pages of:
Christian Crafts
Christian Skits
Missions For Kids
Recycling Ideas
Sermons &
Object Talks
1) Praise & Worship?
i need interesting ideas for praise and worship
god bless
2) Activities for Teens
Try http://www.egadideas.com
3) Safe & Sweet Night
Instead of Trick-or-Treat, we have Safe & Sweet Night. During a regularly scheduled church service, we have a special party for the kids. After the service, we take our kids upstairs and wait for the adults to come over to the family life center and get seated around the edges of the walls. The kids have a Safe & Sweet parade in their costumes and the adults give them treats. Then we all have a time of refreshments (usually apple cider and fall cookies) and fellowship together. Our last theme was "Shine!" Kids (and a few adults) dressed according to the theme: one was a lightning bug, another a lamp, a lighted Christmas tree, and even a coal miner.
This year's theme is "Jesus Loves the Little Children of the World." We'll have a kids' missionary service just before the event :o)
4) Bible Walk
Our church does a "Bible Walk" on Halloween. We will have several rooms decorated with a Bible "Character" in each room. Each character speaks a few lines regarding who they are and what we know about them from the Bible, then they give each child a treat related to their character (i.e. Joshua would give out Crunch bars, Jesus would give out Livesavers). Each child will hear from God's Word, receive treats, and a Gospel Tract before leaving. This is an outreach for the community and no child is turned away.
Blessings - ES in AR
5) Skits Ages 9-14?
I teach kids ages 9-14 Sunday school. Does anyone know of any good skits or human video ideas for this
age group? I usually have a small class so I don't want to do anything extravagant. Any website or book
suggestions would also be appreciated!
--from SSTN: yes, the Lights, Camera, Action Bible Skits would work
great! You can find them at:
6) Christmas Play?
I am looking for a Christmas play for my children's church to perform. My age group is 4-12. I need something that does not require to many parts. Probably 5-7. If you have any ideas, I would love to hear them . Thanks. Amber
--from SSTN:
Hundreds of Skits, Games, Crafts & Lessons
How many of you know that there
are tons of resources in the site which produces this newsletter?
If you've never looked, check it out. The links to all their resources are
even listed at the top of the newsletter.
8) Fall of Jericho lessons
To Wanda
I would do a theme series from the crossing of the Red Sea, Rahab's faith and hiding the two spies, to Joshua marching around the city and the fall of Jericho. The kids can identify with the progression and is great review. Paula
9) Christmas play?
I am trying to find a good Christmas play to do with my 2-8 year old Sunday school class. I would like to
do a play from when the Shepherds were told the good news, all the way to Jesus'
birth. If anyone has any
ideas, I'd really appreciate it.
Thanks, Tracee
10) No Matter What We Think...
No matter what we as christians think about Halloween, it doesn't stop the hundreds of children in our own town who will be participating in it. In our church, we do something Harvest related, but generally it doesn't fall on Halloween night.
I was fortunate enough to find online a foam jackolantern carved with Jesus (www.pumpkinglow.com) in it. It sits proudly front and center on Halloween night near our door. We have chosen to use this night to our advantage. We hand out glow bracelets that have a little tag attached that says "Glow For God" and in the past have also filled the larger plastic eggs that you find in candy machines with christian coins, candy, tattoos and stickers. You can find some good christian items at an affordable bulk price at Oriental Trading. It takes time to fill the eggs, but they can be stored in a bag or box for the following year if you make too many or you could give the leftovers to the church youth.
Just a suggestion.
11) The Bible in 50 Words
Check it out at:
12) i-God Logo Design
If you're looking for a new
name and logo for your youth ministry, check out our new design at:
This issue's Bible
Trivia answer is, "2, the Old and New Testaments".
Used by permission. From the game, Bible
To Continue
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