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"For where two or three come together in my name,
there am I with them." -- Jesus

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SSTN # 47 - May 24, 2004

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1) Songs
2) Fun and Easy Lessons For Summer
3) F.R.O.G.?
4) Thumb Body Song

The Parables of Jesus:  6-12 Week Series

5) Rickshaw Rally?
6) Thumb Body Special song
7) New Recruits
8) Commandos for Christ?

Fruit of the Spirit Spinner

9) Old Testament rap song?
10) Effective Nursery Ministry?
11) VBS Materials
12) Summer Bible Reading Program?

<>< <>< <>< <>< TODAY'S SSTN POSTINGS: <>< <>< <>< <><

1) Songs

I use this site often when looking for words to songs.

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2) Fun and Easy Lessons For Summer

Check out three short lesson series at:




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3) F.R.O.G.?

We have a very small church and we are trying a one day VBS using the
F.R.O.G. (Fully Rely On God) theme in honor of an elderly member that
recently passed away (she collected frogs). I know that this was a popular
VBS theme in the past and I am trying to get some ideas together. We
haven't had a VBS in our church in many, many years and I would LOVE to
make this a memorable one. Any help and/or ideas would be greatly

--from SSTN: there are ideas in the archives at:
ALSO, check out  "Praise-Amations!" at:

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4) Thumb Body Song

I found one at this site http://www.grace2day.com/abba/Songs/THUMB.PDF. 
it doesn't print right for me - says I don't have the right font, but
maybe it'll work for you.
I think I've seen a similar song in one of the books I have at home. If I
find it, I'll let you know!
Linda in southwest Ohio

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The Parables of Jesus:  6-12 Week Series

Parables are "earthly stories with heavenly meaningsā€. This 12 week series
examines six parables that focus on "Faith", "God's Mercy", "Being
Merciful", "Obedience", "Prayer", and "Evangelism". Through the use of
hands-on Bible lessons, crafts and games, children will gain a better
understanding of these important truths. Can be incorporated into
rotation-type programs!  Learn more at:


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5) Rickshaw Rally?

I would like some ideas for decorations and crafts for our VBS, Rickshaw
Rally, "Racing to the Son" anyone with ideas or suggestions?
Thanks for your help, God Bless,

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6) Thumb Body Special song

This message is in response to the person looking for the Thumb Body
Special song. I haven't heard that song in a long time, but I believe that
it goes something like this:
God made me thumb body special
thumb body special He made me
God made me thumb body special
thumb body special that's me.
Hope this helps!
Love in Christ,
Sarah in California

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7) New Recruits

I wanted to let you know that I started teaching 3 years ago. I really
didn't have any knowledge of the Bible, but I felt led to teach. What a
blessing it has been! I have learned more from teaching than I ever
would've by just reading. Teaching gives you a whole new understanding of
the lesson. I started out by going with cirriculum and now I teach my own
material (with some help from Christian Crafters of course). This spring,
I wanted to learn more about the Bible (how many books are in it, etc.),
so I taught my kids about it. THey can tell you if a story is found in the
Old or New testament, how many books are in Bible, and what the Old and
New Testament are about. They have brought their Bibles to churh every
Sunday and they ar eager to learn more.
In other words, just because someone doesn't know a lot about the Bible
doesn't mean they can't teach it!
Good Luck!!
Your sister in Christ,
Heather from Loveland, Ohio
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8) Commandos for Christ?

Our VBS this year is one that we found on clearance at Lifeway last year. 
We decided not to go with it last year because another church gave us
everything to do the Kingdom Caper program.  PRAISE GOD.  It was the first
year of VBS for us and we really appreciated the help and materials!  GOD
is sooo good!
This year, we're going to do the Adventure Zone -- Adventures of Paul,
which was purchased last year.  I have the 10 year olds through teens. 
I've prayed about this, but found the lesson plans a little dull.  GOD
gave me the answer:  Same lessons, but do everything as "Commandos for
Christ".  We're using a military theme with camouflaged baseball caps,
binoculars, compasses, a tent.  Our theme song will be "Onward Christian
Soldiers" (marched to a cadence while going to our tent for the lessons),
etc.  Someone donated money to our class for supplies.  So, I have gifts
and crafts for each day which will be kept in each child's camouflaged
duffle bag until the graduation.
I have been working on relating the stories of Paul to the life of a
Christian soldier for our lessons.
My question is:  Does anyone have any other ideas for decorations or
activities?  I'll also consider any lesson ideas that anyone has to offer.
Thank you!
Yvonne Gonzalez

--from SSTN: make sure you check out the "S.O.S." lessons in the sermons
section at:

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Fruit of the Spirit Spinner

Children will learn the Fruit of the Spirit in a fun new way. Each
characteristic is illustrated with a whimsical cartoon fruit for kids to
color, cut, and spin.

Get a lesson and learn more here:

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9) Old Testament rap song?

I am looking for the words to the rap section of the cassette "Totally
cool new way to learn the books of the Old Testament".  I have the
cassette, but can not make out the words to a couple of lines in the
second and third verses (ie. 'Songs of Psalms'...and 'Ecclesiates') I want
to have our Sunday school sing the entire song in a couple of weeks so
hope someone can help me out. I have not been able to find the VHS tape to
get the words from. Thanks. Verle 

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10) Effective Nursery Ministry?

I have a question for all pastors, youth pastors, youth directors, etc.
Do you have an effective nursery ministry in your church? If so what are
your guidelines and procedures. Do you have an operations manual? If so
will you please send it via email if possible. If not I'll be more than
happy to pay for any shipping charges.
In the first quarter on 2005 we are hoping to implement a nursery ministry
for our toddlers and infants.
Please feel free to email me at RevYarb@aol.com.
Any information you provide will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Bless Your Spirit!
Rev. Matt Yarbrough, Jr.

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11) VBS Materials

Virginia, pls send me your email address.
We have some  previous VBS materials materials we can send.
I am  Deac Eric P. Jackson,SS
Greater Enon Bpatist Church

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12) Summer Bible Reading Program?
Calling all Sunday School people: 
I'm trying to start a Summer Bible Reading Program in my church for grades
1st grade and up. The older kids will volunteer to read out loud in one
corner to the non-readers.  I probably will only get 15 to 20 kids to
We'll be meeting only for part of the church service--about 40 minutes or
so. I 'd like to have the kids sit quietly and spend time reading the
Bible stories that I give them each week.  But as you all know, that will
not hold their interest for the entire time.  I thought about having the
kids "re-enact" the story with puppets, flannelboard figures, flashcards,
etc.   Maybe have a Bible Story movie once every 6 weeks or so.  I also
thought of letting the kids listen to  Bible stories on CD's and
tapes----if I can round up some headphones, I thought the kids can listen
to the stories once in a while.  (We do not have a computer available--I
wish we did, we could do alot of things on one.)
 I don't really  know where else to go with this idea.
I want to make this a very special time for the children,  have them read
their Bibles more, and grow in the Lord.  But I'm afraid the kids will be
"bored"--or not come because it is too much like "Sunday School"--they are
so used to having the summers off in my church.
I did not really want it to be a "contest" type program due in part to
variance in age group.   Yet I will be giving out simple
rewards--bookmarkers, etc. for coming to the Program.
I also thought about making up some type of visual to show the parents how
many stories are being read--but can't figure anything out yet.  I'm
running out of time to get this going--can anyone out there help me out?
Like I say--I really want to attract the kids to the idea of reading their
Bibles over the summer.
Any help or ideas or suggestions anyone can give me would be GREAT. 
How can I "grab" the kid's interest  to even come to the program?
Is there a program or a book that tells how to run a program like this?
Has anyone else tried to start a program similar to this?  How did it go? 
What worked best for you?
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
June H

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Your webservant,
Sarah Keith <><

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