1) Song: Ten million snow white wings...?
All my Sundayschool network friends.
I want to use a song in one of my Sunday school plays in 2010 on Easter but I lost the tape it was on. As you can guess it is quite an old song, around the '80s and it was sung by a female with an excellent voice. I can still remember parts of the lyrics it goes like
"Ten million snow white wings were folded tenderly
as the angels watch Jesus died for me.
Silence so deep around the throne
as God the Father watch His Son
hang on that rugged cross alone and all for me..."
If there is anyone who can help me find a copy, I would be so thankful. No one here is South Africa knows the song. A friend that worked with me in the '80s gave it to me. Thank you very much.
Download some
or a last minute church activity!
2) Manhattan Declaration
Dear Friends,
The Manhattan Declaration is intended to make clear a significant point: As Christian Americans who believe each person's life is a gift of infinite worth, we have an urgent, ongoing responsibility to continue standing for biblical principles in the public square. It is important, first off, to note that the Manhattan Declaration is not a partisan or political statement. Instead, it addresses and elevates four specific areas of universal consensus. Some have referred to these as "threshold issues," meaning they represent the foundation of our faith and the pivot point from which everything else flows. This is the bedrock. If we can't agree on these areas of doctrine, everything else will be of reduced value. These four areas are:
1. The sanctity of human life.
2. The sanctity of marriage.
3. The protection of religious liberty.
4. The rejection of unjust laws.
If you agree with these principles, you can sign the declaration at:
3) Songs
with Motions?
Dear Brethren,
I would like to make my Sunday school class more interesting. Last week we had a bible song with hand motions/gestures. I would like to incorporate
more of these into the children’s praise and worship time as they really enjoyed it. Ideas are welcome. Please do not forget to put the tune of the song and the gestures/motions that go with each song.
Please copy me at oduenyi.ahaneku@gmail.com
Thank you very much and God bless you.
SSTN: two suggestions, use the Search for Ideas link, (bright,
green box above), using the keywords, songs and motions. Also, use the
search tool using keywords Piggyback Songs from our affiliate bookstore
at: http://www.sundayschoolnetwork.com/bookstore.html

Tuck them into greeting
cards or for class-time rewards!
4) Memorization Ideas
One method I use a lot in teaching small kids is visualizing the verses. With the internet, you can find a picture of just about anything you need to do it.
An example, "Go into all
the world and preach the gospel to every creature."
Go (footprints)
into (N 2)
all the world (globe)
and preach (preacher)
the gospel (cross and tomb)
to (2)
every creature (boys, girls, people).
You would Google the words in parentheses and print them and fit them in as you paste them to paper or poster board. Sometimes I paste them on shapes, sometimes in book form.
You can also paste each picture to a foam cup (upside down) and set the cups in a row until they learn the verse, then scramble them. Or put flannel on the back of each symbol and use with flannel board.
And as Sarah says, repetition!
Helen Setser
--from SSTN: Excellent,
Helen! This is the idea behind our Gospel
5) Wrapped Gift Box Activity
Materials Needed: A wrapped Christmas gift (with something to enjoy inside), some small treats or gifts to share with all children in the class.
EXPLAIN: In both the Old and New Testament and in our lives today, it is not enough to know the facts about Jesus (to know He was born, died on a cross, etc.)
God wants us to have a relationship of love and faith with Him.
God wants us to KNOW Him and talk to Him and listen to His voice..
God wants us to live together with Him today.
Just like you can accept or reject a gift, so it is with Jesus.
God sends His Son to us.
You can say yes or no to God’s gift. There is no in-between.
Hand the... to get the rest of this activity, follow this link:
6) Handmade Holiday Gifts
When you give a handmade gift,
made with your own hands and mind, you are giving a part of yourself, and I
find people especially love to receive something using your own natural
talents, whatever they may be...Handmade gifts are not only fun to make with
other family members, but the person receiving the gift often feels the love
that has gone into the making. Young children as well as older, and even young
adult children will love making these gifts with you!
For some great handmade gift ideas, follow this link: http://www.sundayschoolnetwork.com/craft-handmade-gifts.html
Download some
or a last minute church activity!
7) A Candy Maker's Witness
A candy maker in Indiana wanted to make a candy that would be
a witness, so he...
To get the rest of this story and print a sample from the book,
The Candy Maker's Gift, follow this link:
to The Legend of the Candy Cane.
8) A Missionary Christmas
Remember your missionaries this Christmas--follow this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kuX7OA6nRC4
--from SSTN: this video is especially meaningful to me and my
husband this year! Our 19 year old daughter is training with the YWAM
organization and will be serving in Thailand from
Christmas through February. As her parents, we couldn't be more proud of
her--we are so blessed!
Please pray for her and her teams safety and success.
Your webservant,
Sarah Keith <><
9) Help in South West India?
Dear Sir/Madam,
thanks for your prompt reply. It is nearly 20 years since I am in the field working with the youth. I am Sr. Margaret working in one of the mission station in South West India. I am
interested to get your assistance in helping the youth and high school children in ways possible.
I am unable to send the contribution one dollar either through internet or through post. therefore let me know how I can be
in touch with your organization in the future.
thanking you,
Sincerely Yours,
Sr. Margaret
--from SSTN: if you are unable to contribute or purchase materials, you
still have access to over 1500 pages of F-R-E-E resources in the site. Scroll
up to to the bright, green box at the top of this newsletter to locate the
ideas that are available to you. Unlike many sites, you can use most of our
site for f-r-e-e and we only charge for a few of our items. But for those who
can contribute--making it possible for missions and churches around the world
to have these resources--you can learn how at:
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may submit your requests, but while you're there, pray for
others too! We ask that you guard this area and monitor it for
abuses that could arise. It is not a place for gossip or for
marketing products. Please respect this area. It has been set apart
for you! "Enter his gates with thanksgiving, enter his courts
with praise!" Follow this link to begin posting your prayer requests and
praying for your brothers and sisters in Christ across the world:
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projects in the site, visit the following webpage: http://www.SundaySchoolNetwork.com/ministry_support.html
Or, write your US check or US Money Order to:
S.A. Keith - Creative Imaginations (d.b.a.)
Mail to:
438 East
Ilex Drive
Lake Park, FL 33403
(In the memo section of your check write: "SSTN Subscription." Please
include your email address.)
Your webservant,
Sarah Keith <><
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2008 / d.b.a. "S. A. Keith of Creative Imaginations
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