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Issue #3 - January 21, 2008
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where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." --

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the page to view articles.
1) Gospel Cartoons?
2) Armor of God?
3) Most Important Activity
4) Preparing Praise
Lights, Camera, Action Bible Skits
based on the book of RUTH Click
5) Holy Spirit, not an "it"
6) God's Work in Solomon
7) Ten Commands Idea
8) Rahab and the Spies
9) Adam & Newspaper Reporters?
Look n' Learn
The Ten Commandments
Memory Flash Cards
them in seconds...1,2,3 look n' see!
the challenge! Click here!

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Christian Crafts
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For Ideas

Who was the father of Ishmael?
(The answer is in this
1) Gospel Cartoons?
Hello Everyone,
Happy New year. I was at a training where trick gospel cartoons were taught and I
was wondering if any one here has some samples i can use. I have a few but anything i can find will be welcome. I have
looked on the internet and everything is for sale, I cant buy it from Nigeria even though i have the naira equivalent because I
don't have a
credit card then there are the problems or costs of mailing outside
the US. (sorry for rambling). Pls send anything you have to
Abuja, Nigeria
2) Armor of God?
I am planning a children's Lenten series on the Armor of God. I am trying to think of some creative and fun games and crafts for this.
Any ideas? Anyone done something on this before?
Thanks for any help.
Marilyn C.
--from SSTN:
Dear Marilyn,
You'll find an entire lesson series on the Armor of God
with crafts and games at:
Also, the SEARCH tool at the top of the newsletter is very useful for finding
Sarah Keith <><
3) Most Important Activity
> "Is there one thing that you do each Sunday, or in a midweek class,
> that you consider very important and successful to your ministry?"
One thing I do most every week is take a prayer walk and lift up that week's teachers. Also, I try to send encouraging emails to them as often as I can.
Do you know the commandments? Can you say them in order?
Do you know the commandments? Can
you say them in order?
Look at the first three commandments, below.
and imitate the action using your fingers.
You'll have them memorized in seconds!
#1 Have no other gods.
(God is #1. Hold up one finger.)
#2 Don't worship idols.
(Two fingers "bow down".)
#3 Don't misuse God's name. (Three fingers held over mouth.)
Download all ten and your kids will have them memorized in minutes! Click
4) Preparing Praise Devotions?
I am a Spiritual Aims Coordinator. Oftentimes I have to prepare Praise and Worship and Devotions for a group of people
I need suggestions along with activities when I have to prepare these meeting please
5) Holy Spirit, not an "it".
> I began to ponder some more about the Holy Spirit and how it overshadowed Mary (Luke 1:35).
Just a note of clarification. The Holy Spirit is not an "it" but rather the
Third person of the Triune God. While it is true the Holy Spirit represents God's power, etc., He isn't just a force. I also have been pondering and
continue to seek God regarding living the Spirit-filled and Spirit-empowered life--this is where and how God is truly glorified, rather than man.
6) God's Work in Solomon Islands
Hi Sarah,
A prosperous New Year 2008, to you and other co-workers in the Kingdom of God out there. I presume we all like to testify what GREAT and Marvelous things the ALMIGHTY did to each of us personally as well as in our ministries.
Back here in Solomon Islands, South Pacific Ocean (we are but a DOT on the world map), God indeed has great plans in store for his work to progress on.
Last July (2007) saw the Launching of the Children’s Prayer Network by our Local Sunday School (Kukum SSEC Sunday School). This July (2008), we are anticipating a bigger gathering that would include children from other denominations (SDA, COM, Catholic’s, Evangelicals, etc etc). This as we anticipate would be the beginning of a country wide network (Solomon Islands Children’s Prayer Network). The whole idea of this is to start training children at an early age so that when they grow up they will already get praying as part of their lives. We believe this is Gods plan for His Children so it’s high we make a move.
Please pray with us so that this particular ministry (Children’s Prayer Network) makes a great impact upon the lives of many of God’s Potential children out there so that this would lead on to the great harvest of the end times, as we await the bridegrooms return.
I thank you and believe ALL of us together will be part of this great happening.
Yours in part of God’s Kingdom Building,
Hugo Tafea.
--from SSTN: thank you so much for sharing your vision! Keep us posted!
7) Ten
Commands Idea
Here is an idea for you: Put students into pairs.
Have one act out the "crime" or offense, for example, "thou
shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife..." Then, have the
second student in the pair intervene as the voice of God, and explain as a
MIME why this behavior is contrary to the teachings of Christianity and the
apostles and does not honor baby Jesus, either. Good luck with it, I am
using it now in my class. :-)
8) Rahab and the Spies
During the last 2 weeks, my class learned about Rahab and the spies, and the city of Jericho. The first Sunday, we built Jericho out of giant blocks and acted out a skit with Rahab and the spies. This past Sunday, we built Jericho out of candy "bricks", sour people, and licorice rope (red, of course).
My kids loved both of these activities, and they really liked eating Jericho after "God" knocked it down. Maybe someone could use this if they are "stuck". God Bless you all!
Kelly in MA
--from SSTN: there's also a short skit in the Christian Skits section on
Joshua, Rahab and the Two Spies:
9) Adam & Newspaper Reporters?
This is Kali from New Jersey again. I am teaching this sunday and I am going to do a lesson based on Adam. The lesson I am going to do is I am going to have the kids pretend to be newspapter reporters. I am going to read the bible story about how Adam was created and then they can ask any questions they want about "Adam". If they can't come up with any I have some. Can you guys think of anything else I could do? Thanks
Love in Christ,
Kali Ploucher
The answer
to this issue's Bible trivia is: "Abraham" (Genesis 16).
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S.A. Keith - Creative Imaginations (d.b.a.)
Mail to:
438 East
Ilex Drive
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include your email address.)
Your webservant,
Sarah Keith <><
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