**** A service of ChristianCrafters.Com ****

"For where two or three come together in my name,
there am I with them." -- Jesus

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SSTN # 3 - January 15, 2004

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--> Amazing Miracles of the Bible

1) ChristianCrafters.Com Up & Running!
2) Crafts for 1st-3rd grade?
3) Ideas for VBS

--> Lessons For Teens

4) Laura is now with Jesus 
5) Prayer Alert Invitation
6) Form for Talentime Sunday?
7) Rally Day Idea    
8) Lord of the Rings?

<>< <>< <>< <>< TODAY'S SSTN POSTINGS: <>< <>< <>< <><

--> Amazing Miracles of the Bible

God’s glory and love are revealed through the miracles he performed and
were fully realized when he came to earth in the form of a man to save
mankind. By studying the miracles of the Bible children will gain a better
understanding of God’s love and faithfulness and how he continues to be
loving and faithful in miraculous ways to his people today. Great for
rotation-type programs!

In the Curriculum Creatives: http://www.christiancrafters.com/curriculum.html 

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1) ChristianCrafters.Com Up & Running!

The site transfer was relatively painless. However, there are still a few
technical snags to be worked out so please keep praying. The good news is
that you can now access the site for Bible Games, Crafts, Lessons, Skits,
and Curriculum at:  http://www.ChristianCrafters.Com 

Your webservant,
Sarah Keith <><

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2) Crafts for 1st-3rd grade?

Hi, my name is Bridget. I was wondering if any one has any ideas for
crafts in my SS class. I teach 1st through 3rd grades. I just love this
age of kids, they are very questioning. The crafts need to be pretty
simple and with easy to find materials.
I would appreciate anyone to e-mail me with ideas.
Bridget in Bradyville, TN

--from SSTN: make sure you check our crafts section as well as the
archives at: http://www.ChristianCrafters.Com 
all the Hands-on Curriculum has crafts for this age group. You can
find them at:  http://www.christiancrafters.com/curriculum.html 

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3) Ideas for VBS

Samantha,I was in a similar situation this past summer. My husband started
to pastor a small country church a year and a half ago. At the time we
only had 2 kids, ours ages 1 & 3. This past Easter, we had our first new
family at the church which included 2 boys. I really felt led to do a VBS
over the summer but knew that there was no way that we could afford the
material and have the volunteers for a week long program. As it was, I was
the only person watching/teaching the kids for the past year. I prayed
about it and decided to do a One Day VBS on a Saturday from 9am - 2pm. I
asked friends to help me out with teaching classes, preparing lunch, and
any other things that might come up. I chose Group's Travel Guide Through
the Fruits of the Spirit as the curriculum that is for ages k-5. Then I
adapted it for what I needed. The ages of the VBS was 4-6th. If something
didn't seem appropriate for the younger or older classes, I found material
on the internet or other books to go with the Fruit. We mostly did games
or crafts for the lessons. We taught the kids a song to sing to their
parents at the end and had ice cream cones before they left. The kids had
so much fun and we ended up having 22 kids at our first VBS. It was
also exciting that following Sunday when the 2 boys who started coming on
Easter recited the Fruits of the Spirit and wore their necklaces. I am now
planning our next VBS and will probably be using another one of
Group's Travel Guide series books.

Hope this helps!

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--> Lessons For Teens:

"Bloom & Boom - Lessons for Teens"- A girls and guys guide to growing up.
Practical advice from a Christian viewpoint about the internal and
external changes experienced by teenagers. Bloom & Boom are
gender-specific books that talk honestly to teens about what's on their
minds. Learn more about them in the Christian Education section of the


"Revolve: The Complete New Testament" - A Bible that looks like a magazine
for teen girls! Revolve is the new look for teen Bible publishing. Special
features includes Blabs (Q & A), 12 month-long calendars, Love Notes from
God, Issue articles, Basics of Christianity Articles, Quizzes, Beauty
Secrets, Guys Speak Out!, Relationship articles, Truth or Dares,
Devotional Reading Plans, and more. In the Bibles section of our


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4) Laura is now with Jesus    

To the family of Laura:
With love and support to you on the loss of your daughter. my heart goes
out to you, and I hope you find comfort from the people at christian
crafters. Thank you for sharing your story, and allowing us to grieve with
you at this time.
god bless you,
Laurel c. Decker

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5) Prayer Alert Invitation

Want to make a difference where it really counts?

Do you pray the minute yo hear about an emergency need?
Does your heart go into high gear before God when the situation is
serious? Do you jump at the chance to cover an urgent need? If you answered: "Yes",
then why don't you get on board with PrayerCentral's 911 Prayer Squad.

We're connected to folks who work in some of the hot-spots of the world.
And from time to time, believers write us about desperate situations.
Things that need heartfelt prayer RIGHT NOW!
If you'd like to join up with our 911 Emergency Prayer Squad, go here,
and sign-up: http://prayercentral.net/engage/911_alerts
There are lives on the line, and your prayers can make a world of

"The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much."James5:16

Below is a current need, and a sample of what you might receive from
time to time as a member of the 911 Prayer Squad.
Be sure to sign-up if you want to receive more of these alerts.

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6) Form for Talentime Sunday?    

our sunday school is going to held a Talentime sunday for the children and
i need to create a form for them to fill in and also an important note for
the parents to encourage their children to participate.  can you give me
some idea or website which i can print the form which can attract the
thank you

--from SSTN: do you need a "form" or an "advertisment"? If you need a
form, only you and your group knows the questions that need to be asked.
If you need an advertisment, why not let the artistic kids in your church
make the advertisments and place them around your church in the form of
posters, handouts, mailouts, etc.
sarah keith <><

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7) Rally Day Idea    

Hi...I'm a bit behind on reading my emails and just came across the one
asking for ideas about Rally Day.  Our church holds its anual picnic on
Rally Day and we always have a theme.  This past year it was 'Fishers of
Men'.  To get the Sunday School kids involved and excited, we sent out
'invitations' to return to Sunday School on what looked like a sea scroll,
with a fish on it and the verse from Matthew about becoming fishers of
men.  On the first day of Sunday School, we started the classes off with
either coloring pages or biblical word finds, had a lesson on the theme,
and we gave each child a fish necklace.  They were actually key chains
from Oriental Trading.  I took the fish, nice size acrylic in neon colors,
off of the key holder and threaded cord to make a necklace.  At the
picnic, we had fishing games and activities for the children to reenforce
the message.  It was so great to see the kids wearing their fish
necklaces.   Hope this helps.
Your sister in Christ,

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8) Lord of the Rings?

Do you have a problem with middle-schoolers seeing the Lord of the Rings
movies? Why or why not?

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--> Help Support SSTN

I need your help! Only one dollar a month helps to provide the Christian
educational resources at SSTN and ChristianCrafters.Com. To learn more, go
to this webpage:


Or, mail your US check or US money order to:

Sarah Keith <><
438 East Ilex Drive
Lake Park, FL 33403

(In the memo section of your check write: "SSTN Subscription".
Please include your email address.)

Your webservant,
Sarah Keith <><

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--Copyright 2002 S.A. Keith--All Rights Reserved. ----

Please read the complete copyright information at ChristianCrafters.Com.
You will find the link at the bottom of the homepage.

SSTN Posting Guidelines:  

Reprinting in any medium, commercial or noncommercial, is strictly
prohibited without prior written permission. SSTN has contributors from
all over the world who share their ideas. If you reprint any of the ideas
from SSTN or ChristianCrafters.Com in any medium (websites, magazines,
newsletters, etc.), you must contact the submitter, and
ChristianCrafters.Com for reprint permissions. Any materials used must
also include the submitter's name and where the ideas were gleaned from.
The opinions expressed in the SSTN e-Newsletter are not necessarily
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