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Issue #25 - June 14, 2008
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where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." --

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1) Joseph Craft for 4 an 5 yr olds
2) Joseph Craft
3) Circus Holiday Club?
4) Joseph Craft
5) Father's Day craft for pre-schoolers
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6) Communion instruction for 4-7 year olds
7) Ten Commandments song
8) Daniel and the Lion's Den Craft
9) Growing Your Sunday
10) Ten Commands Song
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1) Joseph Craft for 4 an 5 yr olds
You can draw a picture of a coat or look for a template and cut it out (use construction paper), then have the kids decorate the coat with glitter or pieces of fabric squares and glue.
2) Joseph Craft
> I am looking for a craft for Joseph for 4 and 5 year olds
For Joseph of the coat of many colors - paper bags with one of the large sides cut open, arm holes in the sides, and then a neck hole in the bottom. Have the kids color or decorate them to wear. Our kids did this in our pre-school class and the loved it and the parents thought it was really a cute idea too.
--from SSTN: this same idea was posted by several subscribers. Therefore, we
will post it once to save space in SSTN .
3) Circus Holiday Club
Hi, Does anybody have any tried and tested ideas or resources related to circuses? We would like to try something a bit different this summer with our 5 - 11 year olds but keeping the key Christian message of Jesus' love. Many thanks.
John Boardman, North Yorkshire, England.
--from SSTN: make sure you use the search link near the top of the newsletter
to search for "circus" ideas. Also, check out this Circus Lesson
at: http://sundayschoolnetwork.com/lesson_circus.html
4) Joseph Craft
Cut out the shape of a child's figure on cardstock paper. Give the kids scrap pieces of fabric and glue to the body on the cardstock. Then allow them to create a face by either gluing on wiggle eyes or just by drawing the face with crayons. This is a way to get rid of scrap pieces of fabric plus, it allows your class to create their own works of art.
Crystal KY
5) Father's Day craft for pre-schoolers
I have a bookmark made by my daughter almost 25 years ago that is one of my most precious things: It is a simple long piece of construction paper with the words written by a teacher “I will not forget Thy word” Psalm 119:16. My daughter drew a flower with crayon. On the back of the bookmark the teacher wrote “Happy Father’s Day, Kristen age 4 ˝” The whole bookmark is laminated with clear contact paper. What a combination: inexpensive, yet priceless!
I have received many Father’s Day presents over the years from my five children, but this simple bookmark is one of the very best and I still have it 25 years later.
Dave Norris
Children’s Pastor
Wichita, KS
6) Communion instruction for 4-7 year olds
There is a book entitled This Bread and This Cup by Mary Lee Wile that is great for young children. it has a leader's guide and I teach a class in the fall and spring for children. Usually 6-8 kids and special time at the end of the five classes.
7) Ten Commandments song
Dear Sunday School Network,
In response to the question if anyone knows of a good 10 commandment song,
if you want to hear of an absolutely fabulous 10 commandment song by Go Fish. I highly recommend their 10 commandment boogie song! I have taught 9-12 year olds for almost 30 years and I have NEVER heard a more upbeat, fun to sing, easy to learn music than this tremendous group. I have taken my grandkids to their concert and they are in LOVE with the go fish guys! Do yourself a favor and log on! I promise you, it will be the best few minutes you can spend to enhance your children's ministry music selection!!! Kathy Cook Hebrews 10:35, 36! rkc8@verizon.net
--from SSTN: You can find the CD with the Ten Commandments song
in our bookstore by typing "Go Fish Superstar" into the search box at:
8) Daniel and the Lion's Den Craft
How about making 1) a mosaic from construction paper to represent a scene from the story,
2) Lion Chow (instead of puppy chow), 3) a prayer book to provide different prayers one might say throughout the week (ask the kids what type of prayers Daniel likely said. What did God provide? Were they the same? What other prayers can be included in a book?).
Stacia Vawter
St. Matthew Lutheran Church
Director of Youth Ministries
Omaha, NE
9) Growing Your Sunday School
Three years ago I was invited to grow a Sunday school of seven kids. Today we have 80 kids ranging from 3 years to 19 years old.
Here are some of the things we did in our area:
a) Small cheap prizes for anyone who brings a new friend who stays for three weeks. Christian pencils for birthdays.
b) Practiced a few happy clappy songs and went out with a guitar and some photocopied invitations into the surrounding streets. Stopped at every corner or in front of every flat (apartment) and sang. When the kids came out we handed them the invitations.
c) Our area is very poor - if you learn your bible verse you get a hard-boiled sweet, if you bring your bible (which we buy for you) you get a hard-boiled sweet (usually red are the most popular). Not good for teeth but very good motivators to attend ss.
d) We give them peanut butter sandwiches and tea (winter) and cold drink (summer) because you can't teach hungry kids. More are starting to come to ss.
e) Our last day of every school term (4 per year) we buy chips and cake and watch a children's Christian DVD.
f) We have some of the poorer kids for sleepovers during the holidays.
g) We beg for clothes and shoes from people who have and hand these out to our
h) We have fund raisers and use the money to buy stationary for school the beginning of the term. Prizes during the year could also be in the form of stationary like pens etc.
i) We are now raising money - fund raisers like cake sales and try to run a Holiday Bible Club every second year that is interdenominational. Get more kids that way.
Our area is very poor - yours may not be, but some of these ideas may be of value to you.
Granny D'
10) Ten Commands Song
Reply to the 10 commandments question: We have a song called "The Perfect Ten". I learned it when I was a kid, and now I teach it to my kids over 15 years later. The first part tells how the 10 came to be. The second part tells the commandments. If you need a copy of the words, please email me tabitha.ashley@gmail.com and I will be glad to get them to you.
--from SSTN: you can find the song single in our bookstore. Just type the
title into the search box to locate it at:
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