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Issue #18 - May 7, 2008
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where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." --

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1) Bearing the Silence of God
2) Puppet Ministry?
3) Pastor's Appreciation Day
4) Praise Lesson
5) Wacky Wednesday Family Nights
6) Pentecost Sunday
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1) Bearing the Silence of God
A Turkish theologian finds the image of Christ in the persecuted church.
by Ziya Meral. Read all about it at: http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2008/march/29.41.html
2) Puppet Ministry?
Ministry - Used during church service. Can you think of creative ways to introduce the message?
SSTN: make sure you check out our puppet skits. You'll find them listed about halfway
down the page at:
3) Pastor's Appreciation Day
Some churches are hesitant to use lighted candles (as we are in our CM) so here is something we have done. We use the battery operated ones. Loosen the bulb a bit, and as each person takes one the bulb is tightened so it comes on. Same effect, but much safer.
4) Praise Lesson
In Newsletter #14 Enamae Nottage asked for a lesson on Praise.
Here is a lesson that worked great with my children's church kids.
It is listed on "The Most Wondersome Storytime" link at:
Dee Ann Boydston
5) Wacky Wednesday Family Nights
This may not exactly be what you are looking for, but we did for a couple of summers themed nights on Wild, Wild
Wednesdays (WWW), but it was more for our youth group than family night, but you could use some of the ideas, I think, for the same program.
Our kids had such fun and we had adults that were included in this with us. We did our Wednesday themes much like School Spirit week. We had nights such as Born on a Farm - where the kids dressed up in farm clothes (overalls, flannel, etc), and our lesson was about the sower who went to sow. (FYI - We had the best game with this, milking a cow. We put water in rubber gloves, made a pin hole in each of the fingers, filled it with water, and they had to "milk" the glove. The team with the most water in the cup (bucket) won the event.) We had Patriotic Wednesday - where everyone wore Red, White, and Blue - and our lesson was about the American and Christian Flag. We had Pajama Night - where we all wore our pajamas, and I think we showed a Christian Film and had popcorn. You could use the parable of the wise and foolish virgins with this or how Jesus told the disciples to watch and pray. The kids had Bible Verses they had to learn, and also Psalms 23 one year.
One night, we did a time capsule out of PVC pipe and capped it off. We put it in a safe place in our church and broke it open when we did the WWW a couple of years after we did the first one. In it was letters of what was going on our lives spiritually at that time, and it was amazing to see how we had changed. We also have kids from different schools in our group and the last Wednesday of summer before school started, we had School Spirit night where they could wear their school colors. I think we had ice cream sundaes that night, but you could always talk about the Holy Spirit being with us no matter where we are, what we are doing, etc.
Probably the one I will never forget was going to clean a graveyard. We have an old, old graveyard by our church and we had someone who donated silk flowers and we were able to put new flowers on the graves. I had a foreign exchange student, Diego, in our group that year, and our lesson was about coming out of the grave. I will NEVER forget the look on his face when we talked about it. He was so amazed to think that one day, we will come out of the grave and meet Jesus in the air. It still gives me Goosebumps when I think of it.
We also did a NASCAR theme. We had NASCAR stuff everywhere and our focus verse was running the race with patience. We had a devotional book that we got from somewhere maybe Our Daily Bread, and used those devos as our lessons. I can find out where it was from. We had a highway (race track) on the wall and all of our kids could put their prayer requests on the cars we had cut out, trust me it was a very simple car, and they were able to put them on the track so everyone could see and remember to pray.
Your group sounds like they are going to be blessed this year no matter what you do, and I wish you much success.
If you would like more information about this, just email me at tmorrow@firstbanktn.com. I would be glad to share the other lessons we did, what games we played, and the biblical lessons that went with them. Just put Wild Wild Wednesdays in your subject so I will know what to send to you. I can put them in Microsoft Word format so you can easily open it. I might even see what else God will give me, and I will be so honored to share with others on this site who have blessed me beyond measure with their thoughts and ideas. We're all in this together, and I can't wait to meet each and everyone of you.
Hang in there, it won't be long.....Theda Morrow, Kingston TN
6) Pentecost Sunday
This Sunday, May 11, is Pentecost Sunday for 2008. It marks the end of the
Easter season and celebrates the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles
and followers of Jesus, and the empowering of the church for ministry.
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