Issue #17 - May 24, 2010
where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them. ~ Jesus
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1) Mother's day
2) Jesus' Disciples
3) When We Live Forgiven
4) Mother's day
5) The Twelve Disciples
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6) Mother's day
7) Summer Psalm Series
8) Lesson on Finding Faults?
9) Random Acts Game
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1) Mother's Day
At my church this year all the ladies were asked to stand for acknowledgement of the unique gifts we have, great job we do etc etc.
But I wanted to tell of an idea I read about a while ago (perhaps even here at SSTN?!) that
I think should be the way to go on Mothers Day: it's a day we honor our own mother. So when people arrive at Church, everyone is given a flower to wear in honor of their mother: a white one if your mother is still alive, a red one if your mother has passed away. And that way hopefully everyone should be included: women, men, children will all be wearing a flower and thinking of their mother.
2) Jesus' Disciples
This is the only Children's Ministry book I'm aware of that has material on all 12 disciples. It has a full chapter on each of the following disciples: Andrew, James, John, Peter, Matthew, Judas, Simon, Thomas, and the last chapter has one page each for Bartholomew, James, Philip, Thaddeus. Includes activities such as a memory verse, story to share, discussion questions, and reproducible activity page(s). Jesus' Disciples by Rainbow Publishers, 9781584110170, ages 5-10.
SSTN: you can find this book in our affiliate bookstore by typing the
title into the search box at:
3) If We Live Forgiven
we live forgiven...Joy returns.
If we live forgiven...The past loses its power over us and shame haunts us no more.
If we live forgiven...We are able to extend forgiveness more freely.
If we live forgiven...We become less serious and hard and become enjoyable to be around.
Hear the good news of the gospel, that in Jesus Christ...You are FORGIVEN!
© 2010
Chris "Suds" Southard
Youth Director -- First Presbyterian N.P.B., FL
4) Mother's
I wanted to add my comment to the discussion on Mother’s Day. I too am a bereaved mother, the only way to know the depth of pain is to experience it yourself, I can assure you that bereaved mother’s are not self absorbed, self centered woman, they are simply trying to survive the worst that life has to offer, the death of a child, or the terrible pain of infertility. While going through these brutal life experiences, they seek the comfort of their God within the arms of their church family. If a church can help it, they should cause no harm, and this one can be helped. At our church we acknowledge all who are (and those of us who have buried a child still are) mothers and those who seek to be mothers, making special mention of women for whom this is a painful day and asking God’s special blessing on them. If someone who is a mother is upset about this, it is better she than the one with empty arms. We need to pray for grieving mother’s and mother’s to be, offer
our comfort and support while celebrating all those who were lucky enough to have a child in their arms and in their home. God is walking beside us all, it is wonderful when our church family does too.
5) The Twelve Disciples
For the teacher requesting ideas for teaching about the Twelve Disciples:
The following is a song to the tune of "Bringing in the Sheaves."
There were 12 disciples
Jesus called to help him;
Simon Peter, Andrew,
James, his brother John;
Philip, Thomas, Matthew,
James the son of Alpheus,
Thaddeaus, Simon, Judas,
and Bartholomew.
He has called us, too.
He has called us, too.
We are his disciples, he has called us, too.
He has called us, too.
He has called us, too.
We are his disciples, we his work must do.
6) Mother's Day
> I've read articles written by women who talk about "Mother's Day" being the
> hardest day of the year for them. On
Mother's Day this year our pastor acknowledged all the Mothers, but also made
a point of recognizing that for some women it is a difficult day, because some
have lost children, never had children or had poor relationships with their
mothers. The take away from this discussion is to be mindful that it can be
difficult for some, but at the same time not begrudge those who rejoice.
Beatitudes Catcher - Play n' Learn!

It's downloadable!
7) Summer Psalm Series
Check out our Psalm series, complete with lessons, games and crafts. Topics
Psalm Series 1: God Knows You (Ps. 139)
Psalm Series 2: God Forgives You (Ps. 51)
Psalm Series 3: God Makes You Grow (Ps. 1)
You'll find them listed in our
Series, Clubs and VBS" section at:
8) Lesson on Finding Faults?
I am looking for an activity based lesson wherein a cardboard cutout of a human is made and the children are asked to write any thing that they
don't like about anyone on this image and mar the image. Once everyone is done, the image is removed to uncover the picture of Jesus.
This will help them understand that whatever they think or speak of others, they actually do it to the Lord. I am not getting the exact reference and activity. Could you help me out please?
SSTN: the Parable of the Sheep and Goats come to mind...Whatever you
did for the least of these, you did for me and whatever you did not do for the
least of these, you did not do for me. (Matthew 25:31ff);
or the Golden
Rule, Do to others as you would have them do to you. (Matthew 7:12);
or the Body of Christ, ...we are many persons, but in Christ we are one
body...(1 Cor. 12:12-27, Romans 12:1-5, see also vs. 14-18).
9) Random Acts Game
Divide class into two groups. One person from each group takes a turn to open the Bible at a random page, picks a word or phrase that strikes him or her, then acts it out. If a group member guesses correctly, their group scores two points. If incorrect, the other group gets a chance to guess. If correct, the group scores one point.
© 2001 Lucille Dass
The Holy Spirit Church - Penang, Malaysia
--from SSTN: for more ideas like this, visit our
Bible Games page--the link is in the bright green box at the top of the newsletter.
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