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May 4, 2016 -- Issue

In today's newsletter:
1) Flashlight Bible Maze
2) Find Mother's Day Ideas
3) Treasure Hunting: Digging Deeper
4) Bible Skit: Joshua, Rahab
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ready for Summer!

1) Flashlight Bible Maze
"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path" Psalm 119:105
Set Up: Write each word of Psalm 119:105 on an index card or Post-it Note. You will need one set for
each player or team. (There will be 15 cards for each player or team.) You might use different colors for each set or place each word in an envelope and write on it, "Player 1" or "Team 1," "Player 2" or "Team 2," etc. Establish a maze in your classroom using chairs, or brightly colored tape on the floor to mark the pathway. Place the Bible verses along the pathway, not in the correct order of the verse, and then turn off the lights in the room.
How to Play: Give players or teams flashlights to move through the maze. Make sure they . . .
Get the Flashlight
Bible Maze game.
2) Find Mother's Day Ideas
Type Mother's Day into the search box at the
bottom of this newsletter or from our home page at:
And if you have an idea to share, please reply to this newsletter.
3) Treasure Hunting: Digging Deeper
Bible Study
That you may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge (Colossians 2:1-3).
Begin by reading a Psalm, and then write down the attributes of God that are listed in the passage. Meditate on those attributes for a few minutes. Then, for each character trait, use a Bible concordance to find other Scriptures that mention those traits, and write those verses down. You might also use a dictionary to look up the definition of the attributes. Jot down thoughts that come to you as you think on the Scripture and how it applies to your life. Spend a few more minutes thanking and praising God for who he is and what he has done for you.
For today’s devotion, I chose Psalm 3. However, this study technique can be applied to many Scripture passages, most particularly to the Psalms, and will help you to dig for spiritual treasure during your devotional time, and strengthen your faith and relationship with the Lord.
Get the Digging
Deeper Bible Study.
If these resources
help you, then
4) Bible Skit: Joshua, Rahab, and the
Two Spies
Based on Joshua Chapters 1-6
Optional Props: Name cards attached to players to identify them, a crown for the King, a staff for Joshua, binoculars or a magnifying glass for the spies, a shawl for Rahab, a piece of red yarn for Rahab (to be kept in her pocket till the appropriate time), swords for the soldiers of Jericho, a sign that says “Rooftop,” and one that says “Window.” Place the rooftop sign on a tabletop, and the window sign on the back of a chair.
Cast: Teacher/narrator, Joshua, two children to be the Israelite spies, Rahab, King of Jericho, and two children to be soldiers of Jericho. You may want the children to rehearse the skit before the lesson, or perform it impromptu.
Narrator: The Bible tells us that Moses and the Israelites wandered in the desert without reaching the Promise land for 40 years. After Moses died God told Joshua that he would become the new leader to fulfill God’s promise to his people, and he would lead them into the . .
. sample this Bible

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