Mission Statement: SundaySchoolNetwork.com brings over 25 years of experience to children's ministry. Our
Bible lesson plans and activities
are designed to lead children to Christ, helping them grow in their faith, so they can proclaim the good news message to the next generation.
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What Do You See?
a.k.a. The Black Dot
I can do all this through him who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13
There are two ways to prepare for the presentation of this devotion/object lesson:
1) Use 1 large poster that is easily seen from the back of the room. With a permanent marker, draw a black dot at any random spot on the poster.
2) Use plain 3x5 or 4x6 index cards and place a black dot on each one. It doesn’t matter if the dots are drawn in the same spot on each card. The cards with a black dot will be given to each person in the audience. Note: If all you have available are cards with lines printed on them, use the plain back side of the card. The audience member may want to make notes about the lesson on the lined side. Doing this on the small cards is a good way for the audience to share this object lesson later with others. (Taking notes might encourage them to do so.)
If using the large poster, hold it up or put it on an easel for everyone to see.
The Lesson
Ask, "What do you see?" (On the poster or cards. Most, if not all, will finally come to the conclusion that they see a black dot.)
Challenge them to take their time and look again…carefully.
Ask, "Do you see anything other than the dot?" If the answer comes back still nothing is seen but the black dot, the speaker says, "I'm really surprised. You have completely overlooked the most important thing of all - the dot you see is on…PAPER, right? Do you think it is interesting that you looked so hard and never even noticed that the dot was ON paper?"
Easter Activity!
Get it today!

An excellent lesson for Easter Sunday
morning or during egg hunts!
That tends to be the way we are in life as well. Our heaviest burdens are what we focus on, what we see first in our daily lives. We all have problems that come up every day. Some are big and some small. Oftentimes it seems like we get up in the morning focusing on what difficulties we anticipate for the day and go to bed at night replaying our challenges of the day. What went wrong? Why did it go wrong? Who wronged you, or who did you wrong and why did that happen? The “black dot” in our everyday life – keeps our focus on negative things in our lives. The “black dots” consume our thoughts. The “black dots” take over most of our day by demanding our planning our every hour. We make plans to right the wrongs…plans to get even. We devise plans to figure out how to meet the needs of others, or how to get others to meet OUR needs. We spend so much time concentrating on the trials, twists and turns of life, handling our burdens, as well as our family and friend’s burdens, that we fail to notice “the white paper”!
What IF – we began to . . . follow the link to get the Black Dot
Download our Easter
Story cards today!
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Sarah Keith <><
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2017 / d.b.a. "S. A. Keith of Creative Imaginations
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