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Issue #5 - February 10, 2009
where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them. ~ Jesus
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this issue of the SSTN Newsletter:
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the page to view articles.
1) Bible Memorization
@ Assembly Time
2) No Passion for Kids
3) Bible in 50 Words Game
4) Where Are Your Puppet Skits?
5) Equipping Teachers
participation makes SSTN a success!
6) Program Name
7) Resources for Grades 6-8?
8) Getting through to 5th-6th graders?
9) Backwards Video Message
10) Developing Passion to Kids
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1) Bible Memorization @ Assembly Time
I have had a lot of requests for the SURVIVOR S.A.L.V.A.T.I.O.N. theme. You may check that out on the Sunday School Network. I have many things I can send you to get you well started. Please feel free to contact me. Kathy rkc8@verizon.net Thank you so much!
--from SSTN: you can find Kathy's series at:
No Passion for Kids
Hi Lorraine, you said, "I have been newly appointed as Sunday School Superintendent at my church since January 2009 after teaching Sunday School for about three years. Some of my challenges are working with people who don't appreciate change and who don't have a passion for kids. Another thing is that it is very difficult to find suitable persons to teach, so for years we have been working with those who are faithful but they are not really good teachers, some of them actually went on the teaching course but I just don't know what is happening. can I get some advice, I'm young, vibrant and have a lot of new ideas, but how do I get them to come on board."
My advice is to make sure you are showing appreciation for the faithful teachers who are already serving. They may have passion for kids and be better teachers than you think, but they may just be a little tired and burned out from serving for so many years. Make sure to tell them thank you in a way that connects with them: their favorite Starbucks drink or a flower, or have the kids make them cards, whatever you think they would like. As far as change, take changes slow, do one change at a time, and ask for your teachers input about what changes they would like, what help they need to be able to implement the changes you want. Ask some new people to "try out" children's ministry by serving for 3 months in the summer to replace teachers who are on vacation, and make sure you give the new teachers good instructions about what to do, and help so that they feel successful. If you help the new teachers have a good time, they'll probably stick with it. Build relationships with your teachers outside of teacher meetings, send them birthday cards, look at their kids or grandkids photos, and occasionally do something social with them (meet for coffee, go to a movie, etc.)
God bless you as you take on this important ministry in your church,
Kathy, teacher of Sunday school for 40 years, and Sunday School Supt. for 10 years.
3) Bible in 50 Words Game
I have used this as a "race game" for older (4th/5th) Sunday school classes. I put one "phrase" or line on each card. And made two sets of cards.
I then split the class into two teams, each with a complete set of cards.
And then had the teams race against each other to put the poem into the correct order.
A lot of fun and team building! Keep the cards on hand, because your class will probably request to play it again several times....
--from SSTN: the Bible in 50 Words can be found in the Object Talks
section (see the bright, green box near the top of this
4) Where Are Your Puppet Skits?
Hi, I don't see the free puppet skits on your web site which are mentioned. I want to try out some skits, as I am thinking of helping to restart a puppet ministry at my church.
Julie Vaughan
--from SSTN: the link for our
skits is in the bright, green box near the top of the newsletter. Once you get
to the skits page, go to Christian Puppetry.
5) Equipping Teachers
Sis. Lorraine,
Praise the Lord! I suggest you have a lot of workshops done or training to upskill
your faithful workers. You could use professional teachers who are in secular schools to be your sounding board. Training is important for any organization and for this article the church is very important you could use some of the parents or youths to be assistant teachers before they become fully fledged teachers. I remember I couldn't imagine myself teaching and standing in front of the crowd but somehow I was recruited to be an assistant to the Nursery Class(2-3yr. olds). And ten years onward I'm still enjoying teaching Sunday School. Pray, pray and pray. God will touch their hearts. Remember it is God's work and he calls and equips the faithful. Do not look at the outward because God sees the heart. I hope this will be of some assistance to you.
God bless and keep in touch.
6) Program Name
How about King's Biz. Remember soul-winning is every believers position description in the Kingdom. Something that is friendly and arouses ideas it's good to bounce the thought around until you have no. ! choice. I pray that He will guide in your search for the appropriate name. God bless.
7) Resources for Grades 6-8?
What do you have available for children in grades 6-8 for Sunday School and mid week classes?
Joy Forehand
--from SSTN: Hi Joy, in our affiliate bookstore I've selected some great resources for this age group.
Check them out from the following link (you'll need to scroll down a bit on the left side of the
Your webservant,
Sarah Keith <><
8) Getting through to 5th-6th graders?
My husband and I teach a class of 8-10 5th and 6th graders. This year's class is made up mainly of kids who have grown up in the church. They are good kids, and we truly love them, but we feel we are not getting through to them. We use our church's curriculum, which has a good variety of activities, and they enjoy the active ones. We use games and art projects to catch their interest. However, they can't seem to settle down to really listen to the Bible stories or apply them to their own lives. They talk together and make jokes about the lesson, rather than discussing what it means or how it applies to them. We are getting really frustrated because we feel we are not making any difference in their lives.
Any help would be appreciated!
Susan M
9) Backwards Video
watch this video. It is really amazing. Click the link below, then watch. Make sure your sound is on. Watch it all the way through as it
reverses the message without changing the words!
10) Developing Passion for Kids?
I would like to hear more about the things you do for your Sun School Opening time. How do you interview the kids, etc...
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Your webservant,
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