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Dependable God
Children's Sermon Skit

(Requires two people. You will need a phone and a Bible. This skit makes a great add-on sermon message to our Psalm 23 - Good Shepherd Bible lessons.)

Person 1: (takes phone out of pocket or purse and starts scrolling through Amazon.)

Person 2: (slightly annoyed) Um, what are you doing? Don’t you see we’re ready to start talking about God to the kids? 

Person 1: Oh, sorry! I’m looking at some reviews of sheep pens. 

Person 2: (incredulous) Sheep pens?! Why on earth are you looking at sheep pens?

Person 1: I want one for my sheep. 

Person 2: You don’t have a sheep!

Person 1: Not yet.

Person 2: You don’t know anything about taking care of sheep! 

Person 1: Well, I can learn. There are books and videos; maybe even a shepherd lives nearby. I could ask him—or her!

Person 2: True. So did you find a sheep pen? Are the reviews any good?

Person 1: I saw one, but it has some bad reviews. I need to do more research!

Person 2: Ok, can we get back to doing what we are supposed to be doing.

Person 1: Sure! I’m ready!

Person 2: As it turns out . . . Keep reading!

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Miraculous Result of Waiting on God - Listen now.

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Your webservant,
Sarah Keith

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Mission Statement: brings over 25 years of experience to children's ministry. Our Bible lesson plans and activities are designed to lead children to Christ, helping them grow in their faith, so they can proclaim the good news message to the next generation.

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