Sunday School Network

Steiger and Advent

A Puppet Skit for Children's Ministry | by Mark Bryan

Mark, and his wife Becky, have been missionaries in Austria since 1971. Mark originally wrote this puppet skit in German during the 2020 Covid-19 lockdown for a Zoom service of their local church in Klagenfurt, Austria, Europe. This was the second in a series of skits for Advent and provides a short Bible lesson for children. The puppet, “Steiger,” short for “Bergsteiger,” means "mountain climber." Steiger was told the week before that they would be celebrating the birthday of Jesus. The children are excited when Steiger arrives!

(Scene: Mark is holding Steiger, who has a party favor in his mouth and party streamers on his head. He surprises everyone by blowing the party favor several times. A hidden tube is attached to the end of the party favor, while Becky is out of sight blowing into it. Mark carefully takes the party favor away.) 

Mark: Hey Steiger! What is that?! Are you crazy?! What are you doing?! 

Steiger: What?! You said that we are having a birthday party for Jesus!!! 

Mark: Dear Steiger! Of course we are celebrating Christ’s birthday, but not like that!  

Steiger: I don’t understand! A birthday party is supposed to be fun, or . . . ?! 

Mark: We talked about ongoing joy because of Jesus. That is real joy! Think about it: when Jesus came, there was great fear for some.

Steiger: Fear?!?! Who?! What happened?! You have to explain that to me! 

Mark: Well, Steiger, there were shepherds watching their sheep near Bethlehem. The shepherds were possibly talking about the funny personalities of some of their sheep when all of a sudden, an angel of the Lord appeared and the glory of the Lord surrounded them and the shepherds were really afraid. (Luke 2:9) 

Steiger: (stares with wide-open mouth at Mark and starts shaking) I’m scared!  

Mark: Steiger, Steiger! Don’t be afraid! The angel then said; 

(Becky:) Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. You will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger. (From Luke 2)

Steiger: Oh yay! A birthday party after all!  

Mark: Well, that is right in a way, just not like we might think it would be.  

Steiger: I don’t understand!  

Mark: Look, Joseph and Mary didn’t find a place to stay in Bethlehem. They had to stay in a place for animals. There were no party decorations or chocolate cake. Jesus Christ was born and laid in a crib, but it was a crib with hay for animals!  

Steiger: That isn‘t nice! It is very sad!  

Mark: You are right, Steiger. But back to the shepherds. They calmed down and went and found Joseph and Mary. Jesus lay in the crib. The shepherds were so full of joy that they went into town and told everyone about what they had seen and experienced. 

Steiger: Oh! Then they were really happy in the end!  

Mark: You can sure say so! Now you understand how the birth of Jesus was different? 

Steiger: Yes, now I do. I just didn’t think of His birthday being like that.  

Mark: You know, many people don’t think about Jesus at all at Christmas. They celebrate Santa Claus and gifts.

Steiger: That is sure sad. They don’t know Jesus?  

Mark: That’s right. But the shepherds are a good example for us. They were so full of joy, that they went about telling everyone about Jesus. And we know THE joyful news about Jesus too! We can live for Jesus and tell others about Him too. 

Steiger: So, whoever lives for Jesus praises Him through the way they live! 

Mark: Exactly, Steiger! And then they can tell others the real story about Christmas. 

Steiger: Wonderful! That is a lot better than a simple happy birthday party. 

Mark: You learn quickly! Jesus brings real, long-lasting joy! You know what? We could sing a song about the joy Jesus brings!

Steiger: Okay! Bye kids! Have a wonderful, joyful Christmas!

Mark: Yes, thinking of Him at Christmas makes the celebration really wonderful!

Copyright 2020 Mark Bryan

Meet Me at the Manger

Meet Me at the Manger Christmas Party Event would coordinate well with this puppet skit! Learn more!

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