Hello, Jesus? Are You There?

Children's Sermon About Talking to God

Sometimes I miss you. When we aren't here at church, there are times I would like you to know that I am thinking of you, or I have something that I would like to tell you. If I hear you are sick or sad, I would like to cheer you up. And if I'm not feeling well, I would just like to hear your voice. Since you don't live in my house, how can I get in touch with you?

How does your family stay in touch with your grandparents, aunts and uncles, or with their friends? [Coax the children to answer: by telephone, cell phone, texting, computer email, Facebook, letters, cards, etc.]

Even though I want to talk with you, what if you just don't feel like answering the phone, or you have caller ID and you don't want to talk to me? What if you aren't home when I call? What if the phone is busy when I call? What if the cell phone is turned off or you lost it in the couch or left it in the car? What if my cell phone doesn't let me text? 

What if I can't use email or Facebook, because I don't have the internet or a computer. And if YOU don't have a phone or computer, how will I share my news? I guess I will have to wait until next week before I can tell you my important message! Do you think that is too long to wait for important news, or to hear your sweet voice to cheer me up?

Maybe I could yell REALLY loud. Or, I could whisper really softly and hoped you could hear me.

You know what? I know Jesus wants to get in touch with us too! HE doesn't want to wait until Sundays to talk with us. Jesus loves us SO much. After all, HE created us. In the Bible it says, "All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made" John 1:3.

And we know that Every Word In The Bible Is ABSOLUTELY TRUE!

From the very beginning of time, JESUS knew that HE would want to talk with us every day. HE has so much to tell us. HE knew we would need to be comforted when we are hurt or we don't feel well. And HE really wants us to talk with HIM whenever we want to - no matter what time of day it is - even if it is when you are in school, or if it is in the middle of the night. HE wants us to CALL HIM!

DO you know GOD's PHONE NUMBER? Do you know HIS email address? Can we send a card or letter all the way to heaven?

Then how can we hear from Jesus and how can HE hear from us? [Give the children an opportunity to answer that question.] 

The answer is through prayer and reading the Bible. We can pray anytime and never get a busy signal. God is always home. Jesus is always there to hear our prayers. The BIBLE is GOD's Word - written to us from the beginning. It has so many exciting things to tell us. 

The Bible also says, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God"  John 1:1.

All we have to do is read the Bible if we want to hear from Jesus! All we have to do is pray if we want JESUS to hear us. Right here in the Bible is a scripture promise straight from GOD! It says, "Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not" Jeremiah 33:3. (Some people call this verse God's phone number.)

The Bible is full of words to warn us, guide us, and comfort us. All we have to do is open the Bible, ask HIM to show you what HE wants you to know for today, and then read it. 

And when we are hurting, or sad, or full of happiness that we want to share with God, we have a direct line - a Bluetooth connection - to the ear of GOD with the promise that if we call him, HE will always answer. He says, "Call unto me, and I will answer thee." Isn't that a great promise? I love that I can CALL Jesus anytime, night or day. I just need to pray or read the Bible!

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for making it SO easy to get in touch with you. Thank you that you are always home and never too busy to hear our call. Thank you that we don't have to yell really loud for you to hear us. We can whisper our prayers, and YOU can even read our thoughts and hearts. We don't have to even say words that others can hear and you know what we are thinking. That makes us feel very special, Jesus. That makes us feel your amazing love for us. Thank you, so much!

In Jesus' Name, AMEN.

Copyright 2011 Emmalea Butler

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