The Sermon on the Mount Kingdom Kids TM

The Sermon on the Mount is the most famous sermon ever told! In it, Jesus explains the characteristics--the inward and outward qualities--of those who belong to the Kingdom of God; beginning with the Beatitudes*, which depict the Christ-like character and attitudes that are to be manifested in the lives of believers, he continues his sermon by explaining The Position: you are salt, and The Mission: you are light, of his followers. The remainder of the sermon is divided into four additional parts: The Law: the Heart of the Matter, Prayer & Fasting, Money & Worry, and Warnings. Our hands-on Bible lessons focus on these five parts of the Sermon on the Mount. Sample a lesson.

Book includes: 18, one-hour sessions, 14 Christian Crafts (11 crafts and 3 Yummy Food Devotions), 10 Bible Games, and Song-time suggestions. K - 5th grade. 

*The Sermon on the Mount, Kingdom Kids is a sequel to the BE-Attitudes for Kids Bible lessons

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