Sunday School Network

Jonah, No Ordinary Fish TaleTM

Lessons for Children on God's Mercy & Salvation

Jonah Bible LessonsThe story of Jonah is so much more than a miraculous fish tale; it is packed full of spiritual truths for God's children today. In it, we learn that God loves all people. He doesn't play favorites; yet he expects repentance and obedience from all!

Jonah is only four chapters long, yet it contains much to learn about our lives and relationship to God. It is miraculous that Jonah was swallowed by a great fish and lived to tell about it. However, the story of Jonah is really not a fish tale; it is about a reluctant prophet and our merciful God who doesn't give up on his children or his plan for their lives. For K-5th Grade.

Book includes: 8 Sessions*, Crafts (Crafts and Yummy Food Devotions), 8 Bible Games, also included are Skits, Enrichment and Memorization ideas, and Song-time suggestions. Most of the lessons have more than one craft and game, which means you can extend the series by several sessions! 

Sample Jonah, Lesson One.

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*Lessons are accompanied with a craft, game, memory verse, and song-time suggestions. If you use the lesson, memory verse, song, craft, and game for each session, it will take four, two hour sessions to complete this series. However, if you split each lesson into two sessions (recommended), whereby you present the lesson, memory verse, song, and craft in the first session and the game with lesson review, memory recitation, and song in the next session, it will take eight, one hour sessions to complete this series. 

Cover design by Martin Young, Bible Cartoonist.


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