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"For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them."
Matthew 18:20

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<>< <>< SSTN-Volume 1-Number 62 <>< <><
June 6, 2000
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* Teaching The Books of the Bible
* Teaching The Books of the Bible
* Race for Jesus
* Children's Day Sunday
* Calculator rolls?
* Worship service behavior?
* Christian day care
* From alcoholic homes
* Ten Commandments
* Holiday Bible club?
* Father's day Craft
* Popsicle sticks?

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Teaching The Books of the Bible:

Put signs up scattered around on the walls of your room with a book of the bible on each one of them. Have the kids stand in a circle in the middle of the room and call out a book of the bible, which ever kid reaches the sign or wall and tags it first, wins that round. After a few weeks they remember where they are so switch them around. This seems to really work.
Sharon, Fulton, MI
Peace, Joy and Laughter

(From ChristianCrafters.Com-there is a game in the Bible Games section that teaches the books called, "Bible Book Name Game". Also, don't forget to simply recite the books each week, and an old standby game, 'Bible Sword Drills'. To make it more team spirited, divide into two or three teams and have each person on a team have the opportunity for a turn. Teacher calls out a verse from the Bible and the first one to find it, stands up and read its, winning for that round.-- Blessings, Sarah Keith.)

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Teaching The Books of the Bible:

> i would like to somehow get them to memorize the books of the bible.

Hi Kathy:

This can be a lot of work and some expense, but this is what we did for our Sunday School class. We bought old video boxes and covered then with a leather colored vinyl materiel (glue gun it in place) Then you put lace that has gold edges around the box to represent the pages. Then you get your labeler and label each book of the Bible. We then bought a book shelf and the children have a wonderful time arranging the books of the Bible. We sometimes put a book or two out of order to see if they notice...and they always do. A more inexpensive way to do this is with wooden blocks. (painted and labeled)

God Bless,
Joni Wilson

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Race for Jesus

> Our church is having a race for Jesus VBS. The theme is racing cars
> Does anyone have any ideas for crafts for 9-10 yrs.olds under

How about making wooden pinewood derby cars? You can buy kits from
Gospel Publishing House, or from the Boy Scouts of America. I found many
web sites that offer building tips for pinewood derby cars. (Or you
could buy the cheaper pre-cut cardboard cars from S & S at
www.snsworldwide.com.) I've also seen cars made from spring clothespins:
clip a straw piece in the front, glue a second straw piece in the back,
pass wire or pipe cleaners through the straws for axles, and use buttons
for wheels. After cars are made, you can race them and award additional
prizes for the most creatively decorated, etc. (Make up as many award
categories as you like--the sillier the better!)

4 to 12 year olds
St. Clair Shores, MI

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Children's Day Sunday:

we want to make Children's Day Sunday very special for our children.
> we just don't want to give out gifts but want to recognize
> their importance in our worship family.

Depending on their age you could give each child a job to do in the worship service, lat the kids run the show! Pick the songs , take the offering, deign the bulletin, put on a skit instead of a sermon etc...

Debbi McLean
1st Baptist Church Sun City Ca.

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Calculator rolls

I teach 4 and 5 year olds at my church. I work at a financial institution where I collect calculator rolls. I have quite a few. Some are blue, and some are white. We have added beads to them to make necklaces, but I am stuck with what else we could use them for or make with them. Any ideas? Thanks. Wendye Lusk

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Worship service behavior:

Does anyone have any innovative and fun ideas to teach proper behavior for children in a worship service? I guess I'm looking for something to use each week in their Sunday School class that would take just a very few minutes. We have quite a few children in our church whose parents don't attend and thus these kids have never been taught about walking instead of running etc.

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Christian day care:

I am also a christian home day care provider and would love to
exchange ideas. My e-mail address is:
I look forward to hearing from you! (and any other home daycare
providers) Kristina in Tennessee

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From alcoholic homes

I can relate to your concern about losing an opportunity to teach these
families about God, but I think your concern should be first and foremost
for the child's safety. I would contact human services or social services
in your area for guidance about how best to handle this. You may be legally
required to report such instances...I am not sure if the law includes sunday
school teachers or not. In any case, I am sure Social services can offer
advise about how to handle it. Remember, while you don't want to lose a
chance to teach them about God, you also don't want to know you could have
prevented a tragedy. You have planted seeds, God will provide the
increase...even if you lose contact with the family. I will be praying for

Kristina from Tennessee

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Ten Commandments:

>Does anyone have any craft ideas and snack ideas that will go along
>with the Ten Commandments?

You can make key rings with 5 Formica sample tiles. Put a sticker on each
side (10 sides). The children can write the commandments on them and/or
draw or they could be printed stickers the children can apply. Some supply
stores, salesmen, contractors, etc. will give you the old sample tiles FREE.
You can attach them with either a keyring or a small chain. (hole are
already in them) Also you can paper mache 2 same size cereal boxes & paint
to resemble the stone tablets and list the commandments on them.

Debbie Pringle
Wilkes-Barre, PA
Girls age 6-12

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Holiday bible club crafts/games/drama?

Can anyone help with crafts/games/drama for holiday bible club?

We have three age groups 3 -4 year olds 5 - 7 year olds and
8 - 11 year olds.

Stories -Noah /Gideon /Elijah and the prophets of Baal / Zacchaeus /
The Woman who poured perfume on Jesus feet.

I've just recently found this site and am getting lots of fresh ideas.

Ellie May
Northern Ireland

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Father's day Craft

>I am looking for a nice non messy father's day gift that my 2 -3 year olds
>can make for father's day.

My son's 3 year -old class made ties for father's day. Someone brought a polaroid camera to class, took the children's photo. Made a tie out of blue construction paper and glued the picture (you may want to cut it down and just use a head shot) to the tie. The children drew or colored the ties. My husband loved his and keeps it over his sun visor in his car.

God Bless You,
Dolton, IL

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Popsicle sticks?

My church is preparing for our Vacation Bible School. Someone has donated a box full of popsicle sticks. (We are talking about several hundreds) Our crafts coordinator was asking if anyone had any ideas of how to use them for all age groups from preschool to youth. We would appreciate any suggestion that you have.
Thank you for putting for the time to create a Christian craft website. I feel that the internet can be used for the furtherance of Christ Kingdom and I thank you for the effort you have presented in creating this site. May God richly bless you for service to Him.
Thank again!
In His Love
JoAnn Roberts

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Invite your friends and coworkers to join us!

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IMPORTANT INFO-PLEASE READ: (Especially for newcomers!)

Many of the free patterns and ideas in the ChristianCrafters.Com site are from the books I've written, or from books that I'm in the process of writing. If you'd like to know more about my Christian education resource books, email me at:

I've recently published and released my Christmas-Advent Christian crafting book entitled, CHRISMON SNOWFLAKE ORNAMENTS. Check it out by clicking on "Chrismon Snowflake Photos" from my home page. The purchase of this book helps to support the SSTN ministry! Blessings to you, Sarah Keith.

Don't forget about the availability of free Bible Games and Christian crafts @ ChristianCrafters.Com! If you have a Bible game or Christian craft that you've created, email me, Sarah Keith, and share it with the rest of the world!

You can access past SSTN letters:
Go to www.christiancrafters.com and click on Sunday School Teachers,
then scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on 'Archives List'.

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-1 - E-mail to Sakeith@aol.com regarding your new topic.
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* Remember, try to post your questions 1-2 weeks in advance, if at all possible. That way it will be posted in a timely manner for a response before you need it.

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The Sunday School Teacher's Network is brought to you by:
--Copyright 2000 S.A. Keith--
(The opinions expressed in the SSTN e-Newsletter are not necessarily endorsed by ChristianCrafters.Com--SSTN reserves the right to edit and or exclude information from the SSTN e-Newsletter. You can read a short 'bio' regarding Sarah Keith, founder of the SSTN, by clicking on the copyright info at the bottom of the home page of christiancrafters.com)

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