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"For where two or three come together in my name,
there am I with them." -- Jesus

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SSTN # 60 - July 12, 2005

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1) Space Theme
2) Outer Space Theme
3) Shrek-like VBS crafts

--> Goin' Buggie For Jesus

4) Ogre VBS
5) Accountability Lesson?
6) Shrek VBS

--> Psalm 23: The LORD Is My Shepherd ... VBS

7) Elders and Deacons Ideas?
8) Shrek-like VBS Crafts
9) Spare the rod...

<>< <>< <>< <>< TODAY'S SSTN POSTINGS: <>< <>< <>< <><

1) Space Theme

We did a space theme a while back.  We used a room which we could blacken
the room.  We put up neon colored stars, planets, blow up space toys
(found in Oriental Trading) then used a black light in the room.  I also
bought a tape with the theme song for Rocky for music as the children 
came into the room.    We used the song  "It's a Miracle (just to know,
God is with me whereever I go...)  as the theme song for the kids to sing
each week thru out the Space weeks.....Hope this helps.

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2) Outer Space Theme

> We have decided to write our own VBS material this summer. We are doing a
> theme on "Space". The stories, skits and lessons are going well but we
> are interested in ideas for the crafts with a "Outer Space" theme. Any
> suggestions

search the web to see if there is a current Outer Space VBS.  If so,
purchase their craft book. You can usually buy these separately for not a
lot of money.
Also - check ebay for past VBS stuff. Again it is usually cheap.
Do a web search for "children's ministry+outer space.."  It is amazing
what you can find.

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3) Shrek-like VBS crafts

>...our own VBS this year.It is a take off from Shrek with an...
>It is going very well except for the crafts. Anyone with any
>suggestions on swampy crafts...
Kids could make the slime that's been mentioned in this newsletter
recently, and drop in plastic bugs/worms or Christian beads like Bibles
and crosses.
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--> Goin' Buggie For Jesus

What can bugs teach children about Jesus? More than you think!
In "Goin' Buggie For Jesus - I'm a BEE-liever" children will learn
important Bible truths using hands-on buggie crafts, games, lessons, and
yummy devotions. Great for mid-week or a refreshing change of pace during
the Sunday School hour!

Learn more and get some complimentary samples
in the Curriculum Creatives store at: 

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4) Ogre VBS

We used a lot of crafts from Makingfriends.com for a Shrek 2 birthday
party. Many of them could be used for a VBS such as yours. None of them
are "Shrek" themed per say, but they are all insect, swamp, and so forth
related. You could add a Bible verse to any of the crafts, or have them
fit the theme. Here are a couple of the ideas:
Squished Bugs (add a Bible verse about God's protection to the fly swatter
because the flyswatter protects us from the bugs indoors). When we did
this craft, we used a straw instead of rolled up newspaper, it came out
really cute.
Yucky Pizza (add a Bible verse to the back side of the slice of pizza. You
can use a verse about God providing for us, for our food, or whatever).
Kids can color and cut out all of the bugs that they want to use on their
slice of pizza. They have a colored version, as well as a black and white
version that you can print out.
Bug Mobile (add a Bible verse anywhere on the mobile. Your Bible verse
could be about bees, about insects, about God creating everything, about
everything having a purpose, etc).
Firefly Flashlight (add a Bible verse on a label that says something about
shining for Jesus, or something like that, let your light shine, etc). You
can purchase cheap flashlight necklaces from Oriental Trading Company.
Hopefully this helps!
Love in Christ,
Sarah in California

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5) Accountability Lesson?

I am looking for an object lesson for accountability. Do you have any
brief illustrations that you could share. Thanks.

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6) Shrek VBS

In reply to Jan that is doing the Shrek VBS, a craft that we used one year
for camping was to take hair gel that is colored, and put in a baggie and
put in little rubber worms and fish or whatever.  It is cute and easy and
the kids loved it.  Kim

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Psalm 23: The LORD Is My Shepherd ... VBS

This complimentary five day VBS series can also be used in
10-12 one hour class sessions. A great resource for summer Bible clubs!
Learn more in the VBS / Bible Club section at:


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7) Elders and Deacons Ideas?

Will will be having a one week lesson (ages K through 6th grade) on
elders and their qualities/qualifications, and then the next week a
lesson on deacons. (1 Timothy 3:1-13, Titus 1:5-9)
  Any ideas for arts and crafts, a science activity and a food
activity as well as ways to present the material in an
easy-to-understand manner would be appreciated.
  Our object lesson will involve bring in one of our elders and one of
our deacons/servants.

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8) Shrek-like VBS Crafts

>It is going very well except for the crafts. Anyone with any
>suggestions on swampy crafts or crafts that would reflect; God's values
>are not the world's values, God has a good plan for each one, we can
>choose to live in God's kingdom.

I just found a pattern for a Shrek hand puppet made out of felt.  I
thought Jan might like it.  I found it at www.dwkids.com.  Click on crafts
and it gives you three choices, one of which is a puppet.  The
instructions look rather simple for kids to do.  I hope it helps.


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9) Spare the rod...

I don't understand your insert that said the Bible doesn't say "spare the
rod, spoil the child".  Are you referring to the wording of that or the
part that says 'spoil the child'?
Proverbs 13:24 does say, "He who spares his rod hates his son.  But he who
loves him disciplines him promptly."
There are other verses in Proverbs, too.  I don't believe in beating a
child but I do believe in spanking when necessary (your own children...
not someone elses).
Thanks.  Mary Ann

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Sarah Keith <><
438 East Ilex Drive
Lake Park, FL 33403

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Please include your email address.)

Your webservant,
Sarah Keith <><

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--Copyright 2002 S.A. Keith--All Rights Reserved. ----

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