**** A service of ChristianCrafters.Com ****

"For where two or three come together in my name,
there am I with them." -- Jesus.

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SSTN - Number 246
November 14, 2001

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1) Singles Sunday School?
2) Christmas Program?
3) Christmas Parade
4) Thanksgiving themed scavenger hunt?
5) Marching Scripture memorization?
6) Moses' Burning Bush-Song
7) Nativity Sets and Animals
8) Cow, sheep, and camel costumes
9) Learning centers for 4 and 5 year olds?
10) Anger Object Devotion?
11) Dear American Soldier
12) Books for young kids

<>< <>< <>< <>< TODAY'S SSTN POSTINGS: <>< <>< <>< <><

1) Singles Sunday School?

I was hoping that someone might have a good idea for teaching a Singles
Sunday School. Ranging in age from 19 to 55? Any other ideas that you
might have to help me start this class. We are a very small church and the
group might only be about 6 folks.

--from SSTN: Even though your class is small to begin with, I think you
need to separate the ages out. Combine college aged with career young
adult singles, and older adult singles separately. The emotional issues
are so different for these stages of life. Advertise in your church and
community. Plan extra curricular events, bike rides, concerts, movies,
etc. and other activities to draw your people and their friends to
fellowship and to Sunday class. As to what to teach...the Bible. As well
as other books that accompany the Bible such as the NavPress Bible Study
Series. They require a moderator, rather than a teacher, and everyone that
chooses to could take turns 'leading' the class. If you're interested in
these type studies, type in 'NavPress Bible Study' in the search box of
the Bookstore:


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ADVENT begins December 2!

Celebrate with your family and church by using KIDS CAN @ CHRISTMAS TIME -
An Advent celebration of 28 crafts and recipes. Order TODAY to receive
your booklet before Dec. 2! To learn more, click the link or copy and
paste it to your browser:


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2) Christmas Program?

Dear Sarah: We have a very small church--only 8 children and two are less
than 5, so at best only 6 could do an speaking parts. Have looked through
many Christmas pagent scripts and can't find any that can be done with so
few. Any ideas for a program? Kathy in S.C.

--from SSTN: how about one without speaking parts? Check out, 'Operation
Baby King', in the Skits section of the Bookstore:


ysic, sarah

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3) Christmas Parade

Our Christmas parade this year has a patriotic theme due to the
world situation. We plan on having a simple float comprising of
our teenagers. You know the memorial statue where the soldiers
are posed upholding the American flag. We plan to have teenagers
posed like that around the American flag on one end of the float.
And teenagers dressed in regular clothes, posed around the
Christian Flag on the other end of the float. In the middle will
be a Junior High young lady who will sing all the way down main
street a lovely Patriotic song. She is very vibrant and sings
very well and is eager to do this.

Ahead of the float, we will have two people carrying the banner
with our church name. Behind that, someone carrying the American
flag, someone carrying the Christian flag and in the middle
someone carrying a Bible.

If lots of people volunteer to help, I have banners made up with
JOHN 3:16 on them. It would require 26 people to carry them. Two
at each banner. These banners are done in red and green. I made
them before they had decided on what the theme would be. I use
the plastic tablecloths from the Dollar Stores. I cut out large
letters from shiny gold wrapping paper and paste them on the
folded plastic table cloth. Plastic piping is inexpensive to put
along the fold and have a person at either end of the banner. I
put a fringe on the bottom, made from another color plastic
tablecloth, it gives weight so the banner stays in shape in the
wind. We may have enough kids from Kids Club or Sunday school
that will want to participate. John 3:16 will march behind the

This is the plan, all subject to change. We have not been
represented in the parade for many years.........Lord willing,
this year we will be represented before our community......to the
glory of Almighty God.

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Put Christ into Christmas...Make a Christ-Tree!

Bring new meaning to your Christmas celebrations! The Chrismon Snowflake
Ornaments book contains 32 faith designs to decorate your Christmas
tree! To see a video of the Angel Snowflake being cut, go to:


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4) Thanksgiving themed scavenger hunt?

We recently met for our youth group planning meeting, we are in need of
ideas one for scavenger hunt ideas from the bible, with Thanksgiving theme
in mind, also anyone that has any ideas for a modern nativity play would
be greatly appreciated, Our church is having a parish wide dinner on Dec.
16th, and we would like our middle school youth to perform a skit but on
today's world meaning. But with definite Christian meaning.
any help would be greatly appreciated.
Joy Livingston

--from SSTN: Hi Joy, Make sure you read the new scripts in the Skits
section of the site: http://www.christiancrafters.com/skits.html 

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5) Marching Scripture memorization?

I would like to know some of the other verses that have been used with the
"marching scripture memorization". That is just the coolest idea! My
will love it!

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6) Moses' Burning Bush-Song

This is for 2-6 yr olds and is sung to the tune of 'Skip to My Lou.'

Moses saw a bush and the bush was burning (sing 3x)
Take your shoes off Moses.

God was in the bush and He spoke to Moses (3x)
Hear What God says Moses.

Go to Egypt and save my people (3x)
Get a move on Moses.

Motions for song:
'Saw bush', hands over eyes.
'Bush burning', hold hands in the air and wiggle hands and fingers.
'God in bush, and bush burning' point to Heaven for God, then wiggle
'God in bush, and spoke' point to Heaven, pointer finger from mouth to
'Hear what God says', place hand behind ear.
'Go to Egypt' walk in place.
'Save my people' scoop arm out down and up.
'Get a move on' Run in place.

Copyright 2001 Elizabeth Nielson-Used by permission.

--from SSTN: Elizabeth has used this with the Pray & Play Bible Book, in
the Bookstore-Bibles, etc. section:


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Chrismon Snowflake Ornaments

32 faith designs you cut directly from the book.
To see a video of the Angel Snowflake being cut, go to:


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7) Nativity Sets and Animals

Dear Lydia, I work with a small church also, and I used cardboard boxes
that large appliances come in. I took off the back, and painted them to
look like the Inn, in Bethlehem, and smaller ones to look like the
stable. If you have the ability, you can make it look like a hollowed
out stone, as that is what the stable would have been in Bethlehem. You
can also use the cardboard to cut the shapes of the animals and paint
them on one side. Use pieces of wood to make a brace on the back, so
they will stand up. Place them so you only see them from the front.
Cardboard boxed can be used to make just about anything you would need.
Love in Christ.
sandy doak,weirton and bayonet pt

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8) Cow sheep and camel costumes

One of the ladies at our church found animal patterns at Walmart, but just
in case you can't find any, we used cow print material and made a covering
that just covered the body of the child and took headbands and covered in
the same material, made ears, where you can stuff them and attach to the
headband. for the sheep and camel, we found white fuzzy material for the
sheep ,and tan fuzzy for the camel and made the ears same as the cows,
using the same kind of material as the body. does this make sense? they
were so darling! We used ours for the Friendly Beasts song. ( which we
also made a dove and donkey) Hope this helps!

Marie Bustle - Statesville, NC

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ADVENT begins in 18 DAYS!

Celebrate with your family and church using KIDS CAN @ CHRISTMAS TIME - An
Advent celebration of 28 crafts and recipes. Order TODAY to receive your
booklet before Dec. 2! To learn more, click the link or copy and paste it
to your browser:


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9) Learning centers for 4 and 5 year olds?

Hi, I am looking for ideas for learning centers in a 4 and 5 year old
Sunday School classroom. If possible I would like to have centers for
several different learning styles. Does anyone have any ideas or
Sharla Arvizo,Okinawa Japan

--from SSTN: Hi Sharla: The Pray & Play Bible is a great start! Check it
out at: http://www.christiancrafters.com/bookstore_bibles.html 

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10) Anger Object Devotion?

I saw a Devotion about Anger that used jars with diff. liquids that
represented what might spill out of us when we become upset. I wanted to
know if anyone may remember such an Object Devotion.
Thanks, Tammy-Tennessee

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at ChristianCrafters.Com this month?
Click the links on the homepage at:


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11) Dear American Soldier

I'm going to do this with our Awana club and our Sunday school
classes at our church! thought you'd like to pass it on.
Blessings from the little farm,
Jenny Steward

American Family Association has launched a "Dear American Soldier"
letter-writing campaign as a method for allowing citizens to thank the
military personnel who are putting their lives on the line to fight the
war against terrorism both at home and abroad.

In the first two weeks of the campaign, nearly 5,000 expressions of
gratitude poured into AFA via the U.S. Postal Service from men, women,
boys and girls across America. Schools, churches and civic groups sent
packets with numerous heartwarming letters and drawings. Hundreds of
children sent individual letters, and many included Scripture verses and
gospel tracts.

Please add your encouragement to a member of our Armed Forces by pointing
your browser to http://www.dearamericansoldier.com and writing a letter.
Letters submitted at the website will be printed and distributed with the

Or, write a brief letter or postcard to:

Dear American Soldier
c/o American Family Association
Tupelo, MS 38803.

Teachers should send class letters in one envelope to expedite
distribution. Or, write a letter at http://www.dearamericansoldier.com

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12) Books for young kids

Hi Have a response for Vicki #12 on the #240 issue. She wanted books for
young kids for Bible reading.....recommend The Keepsake Bible Story
Coloring Book by Emily Hunter, published by Harvest House Publishers, ISBN
1-56507-001-1. It gives a Bible story, asks pertinent questions about
story and a full page about story to color. I have used it for several
years and kids love it! Also a fun time reading, ..."A Pillar or Pepper
and other Bible nursery rhymes by John KnappII from Chariot Books
ISBN 0-89191-559-1
In Him, Nita

--from SSTN: I did try to locate these for the Bookstore and they came up
as no longer available...maybe you can find them elsewhere. ysic, sarah <><

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438 East Ilex Drive
Lake Park, FL 33403

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--Copyright 2001 S.A. Keith--All Rights Reserved. ----

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