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"For where two or three come together in my name,
there am I with them." -- Jesus.

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SSTN - Number 214
July 30, 2001

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1) Senior citizens' banquet
2) Sunday School Attendance
3) Color change experiment
4) Senior citizens' banquet
5) Story of Creation
6) Teacher Appreciation Banquet?
7) Creation Story, Halloween
8) Story of creation
9) Sunday School Name
10) Senior citizens' banquet
11) Walnut/Rice mini sermon
12) Senior Fall Banquet

<>< <>< <>< <>< TODAY'S SSTN POSTINGS: <>< <>< <>< <><

1) Senior citizens' banquet

Working with senior citizens is a ministry that my husband and I enjoy
immensely. They have so much to offer - both in the way of wisdom and
history. They are almost always so easy to please and appreciate anything
done for them. One of the most interesting evenings we had with them was
the time I collected childhood pictures from each and put them on display.
As they arrived for our get together, they had time to try and identify
each other. Then we had each one tell one of their favorite experiences -
we 've done this several times and picked the time period (first
boy/girlfriend, best Christmas present, first Valentine, school, etc).
I've also put questions in a basket and let them draw
one to answer (such as favorite smell and why, favorite scripture and why,
favorite gospel song and why, etc.). Senior citizens often feel left out
because no one has time to listen to them. We have found that they have a
wealth of talent and information to share if they are just asked.

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2) Sunday School Attendance

I've been reading the exchanges on attendance and feel like there is a
middle ground. It is true that young children cannot make parents bring
them to church at all or on time. However, we miss a valuable opportunity
if we don't teach these children that God wants them to be attend
class/church and not be late. You can do this without making the child
feel guilty. I have taught Kindergarten for over 20 years - we always
take attendance and always mail something to those children who miss.
Usually, we try to send an activity sheet or something fun. This has a
two-fold purpose - not only is the child excited
to get mail from "teacher" but the parent has to be involved to read the
directions. Several parents have mentioned that this has caused them to
remake the commitment to have their children in class.

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Full Armor of God Game

Kids scramble to be the first to build a full suit of armor using peel 'n'
play stickers, and soak up the lessons taught in Ephesians 6 while they
play! In the Bible Gamestore at: ChristianCrafters.Com

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3) Color change experiment

My co-teacher and I use this in telling about Moses changing the water
to blood. We have a pan with rocks in it (we use a sandbox) - around and
under the rocks, we have sprinkled red koolaid. When the clear water is
poured into the container, the water begins to turn red. Then we pour
unscented clorox into the container to bleach out the color. This always
leaves the children in awe!

Sarah, keep up the good work!
In Christ, Vicki Davis

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4) Senior citizens' banquet

Try this site! It's a wonderful place to read and exchange ideas.
Specifically, try the category under Parent-Teacher Committees - Teacher
Appreciation. Although you are talking about senior citizens, not
teachers, many of these ideas could be adapted to the banquet.


By the way, what a lovely idea! Your seniors are blessed to be in such an
appreciative congregation.

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Once assembled, these puppets turn inside out to change from a tadpole to
frog, or a caterpillar to butterfly. Easy to make and children will learn
about becoming new creatures in Christ! Get a free puppet skit to go with
the puppets at: www.ChristianCrafters.Com In our Curriculum section.

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5) Story of Creation

This a GREAT site: www.kids4truth.com/creation.htm
It is beautiful and serene. The best part if that it is done in different
languages! I don't know if there is a way for you to use it. I think
they may have a video of it. I love to watch it. Cindy

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6) Teacher Appreciation Banquet?

Dear Sarah, First and foremost, let me say thank you for all of your hard
work in putting this much informative and helpful newsletter together.

I have two questions.
1) The "Treat 'Em Right" book, is it a book on making Edible treats for
your Volunteers or just good, inexpensive, easy gifts to make or purchase
to show your appreciation? (Hopefully it is the later part) :)

2) I just took over as the Director of Children's Church which covers ages
3, 4, and 5 year olds. I am planning a "Appreciation" type "Thank You"
type banquet dinner for my volunteer teachers. I never done this sort of
thing, but I want to make it special in order to show our volunteers just
how much not only the church, but the children really appreciate their
help (even if the children don't realize it yet. LOL) I want to get the
message across how they are not just glorified babysitters for during the
church service, but that they actually have a very important roll of
influencing our children. I take great pain with the Lord's leading in
preparing the lesson plans for them. I want them to know that they could
be the one person that is sowing that seed of faith into a child's
impressionable precious mind. I want them to know how important and
valuable their talents and time is to the church and children they help
teach. Any help from you and or the readers would be greatly appreciative.
Thank you ahead of time.
God Bless, Edie

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7) Creation Story, Halloween

About teaching the creation story, Kathy in Ohio may find help at
www.answersingenesis.org .

To add my two cents into the Halloween debate, we are among those who
feel strongly convicted not to celebrate anything associated with evil.
When I was a fairly new Christian at the age of 11, I was introduced to
the Ouija board at a church Halloween festival (which also saw no problem
with evil-style costomes). Some of the teens were playing with it in a
room off the Fellowship Hall. They were very accepting of me & explained
how to participate. As soon as my fingers touched the pointer, the Spirit
spoke very clearly to me, "Get up, walk out of here, and do not look
back." Praise God I obeyed. Praise God for His wonderful protection. We
have so many blessings from God, we don't need to include anything
associated with evil just for fun. If we concentrate on good things (as
we are exhorted to do in Phil. 4:8), we will have great joy and fun in our
fall festivals.
Yours in Christ,
Sherry from Irving, Texas

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8) Story of creation

>i need help! i am to present the story of creation on the
>first night of vacation bible school which is next week!

I Found a great book (used for younger kids but you might want to check it
out) called "The World That God Made" by Kathleen Long Bostrom and Peter
Adderley. It is a wonderfully illustrated story that outlines creation
from beginning to end.
Some other books of interest are "Timothy Whale's Rainbow" by Darrell
Wiskur, a story about Noah's ark and the flood as seen by the whale
Timothy. And the "Wee Sing Musical Bible" by Price Stern Sloan, which is
a GREAT "little kids" bible complete with easy-to-learn memory verses and
corresponding prayer for the day to go with the particular bible story.
Check them out!!
God's Blessings!

--from SSTN: these books are available through the Bookstore at:
ChristianCrafters.com just type the titles into the search box on the
bookstore page. YSIC, Sarah <><

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9) Sunday School Name

Sunday School name idea we used....."The God Squad"

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10) Senior citizens' banquet

Although I am no expert by any means, I was just thinking, anything you
do with young children is adorable. The older school age children could
even be the servers for the evening. (Depends on how brave you are!!!)
The children could sing to the group before or after dinner, put on a
small play, or a Bible reading. A slide show is another creative an
inexpensive idea. Just pictures of seniors with other members of the
congregation. Hope this helps a little bit....

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11) Walnut/Rice mini sermon

Hello from Vancouver, WA
I have been reading the on going discussion of using baby
food jars. I have a very easy use for them. Years ago one of
our Mom's did a mini sermon for the kids. She had a small
sized baby jar, a walnut and some rice. She talked about
how we need to put God first in our lives and everything else will
fall into place. She illustrated this by placing the walnut(in the
shell) into the empty jar. The walnut represents God being put first.
Then add rice. The rice fills in all around the walnut very
nicely. If you try to put the rice in first and then the walnut, the
walnut will not go entirely into the jar. It is simple enough for the
kids to understand. She had enough for each child to take home and use as
a teaching tool . I still have mine in my kitchen cupboard and it is
always a good reminder to me when I need it . Thanks for the great info on
this site.
Trusting Jesus
Julie Richardson
Cascade Comm. Church

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12) Senior Fall Banquet

I am responding to the Senior Fall activity. You may have youth adopt a
senior to go with to the banquet. Many youth have no idea how Seniors grew
up at thier age and how it was to be a teenager or young person back then.
You can also challenge the young agaist the old in card games or checkers
or chess. Board games seem to get lost in the video game world. It would
be fun and you could give prizes to the winners of the match. Good Luck!

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